What do you think would help victims of violent crime recover from such a powerful and painful experiences?

What do you think would help victims of violent crime recover from such a powerful and painful experiences?


People are affected differently by unexpected traumatic events such as a violent crime. A violent crime is not just murder, but it also includes sexual abuse, assault, kidnapping and robbery. Those who have gone through traumatic events or a violent crime need support and assistance to put their lives back on track to lessen the mental, physical and emotional impact of their traumatic experience. Victims of a violent crime cope differently: some people have a difficult time coping with the situation or even doing everyday things such as shopping, cooking or running daily errands; others cope quickly and the negative impact of the event has a minimal impact on their day to day functioning. Victims of violent crimes can recover through support from their friends and family members. They should be provided support through counseling and psychotherapy. They should be listened to attentively without any judgment. Other helpful ways to recover from a painful experience include sharing feelings with a trusted person, remembering that bad feelings do go away, going to the gym to exercise, limiting the intake of alcohol, and connecting the victim with government and community support services.

What would be unhelpful to people who have suffered trauma?

An unhelpful way of dealing with people who have suffered a trauma is to blame them for the cause of the trauma or the cause of their traumatic symptoms they are experiencing. Also, it would not be helpful to be judgmental or to doubt the story the person is tells. Another unhealthy strategy of dealing with someone who has suffered traumatic event is to take their anger outbursts personally. Instead, they should be given an opportunity to express their feelings, and they should be listened to attentively

How would you or a loved one know if a person is experiencing ASD or PTSD?

If a person is experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder they usually present with a story that has a traumatic nature. In addition, they usually reported that their symptoms have started after the traumatic event. The person may have recurring or intrusive memories of the traumatic event; they may report flashbacks and dreams about the traumatic event; and, they may report avoiding places, activities or anything that reminds them of the trauma. Furthermore, other symptoms that may be observable in a person who is experiencing PTSD include fear, anhedonia, hypervigilance, staying away from others and difficulty sleeping.

What co-morbid psychiatric conditions might occur after a traumatic experience?

Psychiatric conditions that might occur after a traumatic experience include posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder, depression, dissociative disorder, personality and panic disorder.

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