What is the impact of covid 19 in UK HE during the pandemic? What are the measures taken by universities to alleviate the impact of covid 19 on the higher education system? What are the challenges that have been faced by students in the UK during pandemic? What are the measures taken by the UK government to revive the free flow of the higher education system?

What is the impact of covid 19 in UK HE during the pandemic? What are the measures taken by universities to alleviate the impact of covid 19 on the higher education system? What are the challenges that have been faced by students in the UK during pandemic? What are the measures taken by the UK government to revive the free flow of the higher education system?



Saunders Onion Model

Figure 1: Saunders Onion Model

(Source: Anderson and Saunders, 2003)

In this research, the Saunder’s onion model has been applied followed by a secondary qualitative research design has been adopted. The secondary qualitative data has been adopted due to its ability to interpret existing data. The data that has been gathered were secondary qualitative in nature. The secondary qualitative data is cost-effective and can prevent duplicity of information. The researcher was not able to incorporate primary data due to the global lockdown caused by the Covid 19 pandemic situation. The secondary sources of data included books, journals, and publications on the subject of higher education that has been affected by covid 19 pandemic situation in the UK (Melnikovas, 2018)

The study included interpretivism research philosophy. Interpretivism research philosophy has been applied in the study because this research philosophy integrates human interest. This research philosophy states that the world however can be interpreted in a specific subjective manner. An inductive approach has been used in this research as this approach can provide instant and first-hand knowledge with information obtained by actual observation. An exclusion and inclusion criteria have been used by researcher to find appropriate data. The inclusion and exclusion criteria include the keywords, language, and primitiveness of data (Jayalath et al., 2020).


The researcher has applied the saunder’s onion model as this model can help the researcher to understand the decision that needs to form in terms of the research design that the researcher has to undertaken. The researcher shall use interpretivism research philosophy because this research philosophy interprets all the elements of the study in which the philosophy is going to be applied. As the secondary data collection method shall be the only option due to the lockdown imposed by the UK government and other governments across the globe the collection of primary data shall be impossible (Händel et al., 2020).

The secondary data collection method includes all types of books, journals, and publications on the research subject though; the primary data would be best fitted. The researcher would integrate inclusion and exclusion criteria to find suitable data. The researcher shall exclude all data that were written in languages other than English. Apart from that primitiveness of data and several keywords would be applied to find appropriate and suitable data. All data dated before 2017 shall be excluded due to having a chance of irrelevance (Dianito et al., 2021).


The research examined the negative impact on the UK HE during the pandemic situation. The research evaluates the views of the students who were pursuing different courses in the UK. The research stated that not only the indigenous students of the UK but also the foreign students have faced difficulties in continuing their higher studies and the online procedure has been proved to be miserable. The research also recorded the experience of the foreign students as well as of indigenous students who stated that they have witnessed discriminatory measures from the UK governments. The research identified the scope of development of higher education in the UK. On the contrary, the research evaluated the thinking of the students in this regard and identified their main concerns associated with their higher studies in the UK during the pandemic. The main objectives of the research have been satisfied as the research has been able to find out the scope of development of the UK government’s education department which could attract the students to study in the UK.


Al-Dahash, H.F. and Kulatunga, U., 2017, September. Evaluating disaster response management stemming from war operations and terrorism in Iraq: a methodological approach. In 13th IPGRC 2017 Full Conference Proceedings (pp. 466-477). University of Salford.

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