what units of services of work measurement did you use and why? what financial management principles did you use to determine your staffing matrix? 3. explain how you adjusted your staffing based on changes in the patient census

what units of services of work measurement did you use and why? what financial management principles did you use to determine your staffing matrix? 3. explain how you adjusted your staffing based on changes in the patient census

Benchmark - Staffing Matrix and Reflection

For years, medical researchers have noted a correlation between the number of nurses on staff and the quality of treatment provided by hospitals and clinics around the world. One of the biggest problems for nursing executives is finding a good balance between available nursing personnel and the number of patients. If we take the healthcare industry as an example, the vast bulk of available funds are spent on labor. That's why it's incumbent upon nursing administration to do the right thing and create a balanced staffing grid. Similarly, research has shown that an increase in the number of nurses per patient improves patient outcomes (Shanafelt et al., 2019). Therefore, a good nursing leader must learn to strike a balance between ensuring patient safety, maintaining a high standard of care, fostering a positive work environment, and keeping costs low. The primary goal of this paper is to talk about the most effective methods of allocating human resources in accordance with sound principles of financial management and current regulations.

The Importance of a Staffing Matrix

Staffing matrices are essential in healthcare facilities, as they help maintain financial stability while also ensuring that patient demands and nurse competences are met. More hours of care provided by nurses and improved patient outcomes have both been linked to improved staffing levels in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Using a staffing matrix, hospitals can determine appropriate staffing levels in light of several factors such as patient numbers admitted, needs severity, the number of patients discharged or transferred during a shift, the unit's layout, the experience level of the nursing staff, and the availability of ancillary staff and technology (Keith et al., 2021). A staffing matrix can help you manage your healthcare operations more effectively by giving you a quick and easy way to determine the right amount of care for any given circumstance. 

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