Whether you are a nurse, a public health professional, a health care administrator, or in another role in the health care field, you must base your decisions on a set of ethical principles and values.

Whether you are a nurse, a public health professional, a health care administrator, or in another role in the health care field, you must base your decisions on a set of ethical principles and values.

  1. Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care Video Script

    Hello, and welcome to this tutorial. My name is Ndifon Ambiribah. In this recording, we will discuss an evidence-based care plan for a patient based on the Vila Health case scenario and explain how evidence-based plan (EBP) models can help develop a care plan. We will also highlight the challenges facing an interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team.

    Collaborative paradigms in healthcare have been lauded for their effectiveness in optimizing care outcomes and enhancing patient experiences. These approaches draw healthcare professionals from multiple disciplines and synchronize their patient care roles. The emergence and continued consumption of healthcare communication technologies have ushered in a technological era where patients can receive care services in the comfort of their living spaces. Remote collaboration through technological devices such as telehealth provides an opportunity for optimizing care processes without physical contact with the patients. EBP models provide a platform for enhancing care practices in collaborative teams targeted at optimizing clinical outcomes. Let us now explore an EBP plan for the Vila Health scenario.

    Evidence-Based Care Plan to Improve the Safety and Outcomes for Patients

    To improve the safety and outcomes of a patient based on the Vila Health care scenario, we will use an interdisciplinary team approach using telehealth. This approach utilizes the principles of teamwork, cooperation, information sharing, respect, and open communication in designing therapeutic care plans and managing patients. Walton et al. (2019) assert that these approaches maintain superiority over fragmented care as they target all aspects of the patient’s presentation and synchronize care activities implemented on the patient. This diversified and comprehensive approach ensures better safeguards on patients’ safety by optimizing care processes done on the patients. Significant in a collaborative interdisciplinary team is information sharing and effective communication. As evident in the Vila scenario, care providers share information on the patients to synchronize care processes done on them. It also improves patients’ safety by minimizing medical errors. Communication is also important in healthcare as it ensures that team members work effectively towards improving the safety of the patients. It also provides a platform for peer consultations, information sharing, and establishing a good rapport with the patients and other caregivers. Consultative processes between staff at Vila Healthcare demonstrate the use of best practices during communication processes. Their communication processes are devoid of interruptions and poor interpersonal relations. Such practices ensured a seamless flow of care operationalizations.

    In remote caring, as seen in the Vila health scenario, these best practices are complemented by the availability of telecommunication devices and adequate knowledge of their use. As evident in the case, remote caring can be challenging, especially when caregivers are not very conversant with their use or where there are no connective devices. The best practice in coordinating remote care is to ensure that the involved persons have effective telecommunication devices and are knowledgeable about their use. This notwithstanding, health information technology maintains significance in the remote monitoring of patients. These technologies bridge gaps attributable to geographical locations and proximity, providing a platform for maintaining contact between patients and their caregivers. This underpins the need for care systems and providers to facilitate their use in care processes.

    To optimize the care plan for the patients, further information on the patient’s willingness to adopt technology and their knowledge of health information technology is warranted. Another area where further information may be necessitated is the hospital’s administration. They play a fundamental role in ensuring that hospital communications systems are operating optimally. Information on the administration’s willingness to invest in health information technologies may be necessary for this scenario.

    Let’s Now Look at How I Used an EBP Model to Develop My Plan of Care for the Client

    EBP models provide a framework for integrating most current scientific research to create best practices in healthcare. In developing the care plan for the patients in the case, I used John Hopkin’s model for implementing evidence-based practice. The goal of this model is to ensure that best practices are incorporated into patient care as fast as possible. This model outlines a three-stepped approach to implem

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