Why Argue For or Against the Limitation of Speed Limits?

Why Argue For or Against the Limitation of Speed Limits?


The controversy of the issue makes people either argue for or against the limitation of speed limits. On the one hand, keeping track of maximum speed can ensure road safety. It can prevent some dangerous consequences of car accidents. On the other hand, strict speed limits may cause a significant number of adverse ramifications. A driver, their vehicle, and other road users can suffer the consequences.

One of the most widely-spread opinions is that speed limits should be reduced. A World Health Organization reports that speeding is the most critical problem that needs an instant resolution. One car accident may involve a considerable amount of victims, which explains the problem severity. Just one rash act of a driver may lead to a sequence of adverse effects. In the best scenario, the outcome will be a smashed vehicle. In the worst case, a crash may lead to terrible injuries. Even a fatal outcome is possible for a driver, passengers, and pedestrians.

Therefore, keeping track of speed limits plays a crucial role in ensuring driving safety. The basic thing that should be done is the establishment of speed limit signs. However, this can be ineffective sometimes because drivers tend to ignore them while driving. Thus, a compliant addition to any speed limit sign would be cameras capable of automatically fixing vehicle speed. The composition of these two tools may become a powerful way to deal with impaired driving.

There is another significant improvement in road safety. It is the precise control over the speed levels in certain parts of the road. For example, one of the most dangerous places for the drivers and pedestrians is a school zone. Car accidents are prevalent around schools due to pupils’ unpredictability and immatureness. Hence, a practical solution would be a speed bump. Just a few speed bumps in a school zone will reduce the number of casualties to a great extent.

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Moreover, people who argue for limitation of speed limits have their way to resolve the problem. They claim that the critical element in dealing with the violation of traffic safety rules is raising awareness among the population. Unfortunately, there is a community of people who keep disobeying traffic rules. They cause a threat to other road users. Consequently, their driving behavior should be changed by implementing strict punishments.

First and foremost, it would be helpful to raise the cost of a speeding ticket. Unwilling to pay, the drivers will pay more attention to traffic rules. Moreover, irresponsible drivers should be affected by criminal law. Such a se

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