Why College Is Important In The Modern World

Why College Is Important In The Modern World


People today think that college is the only option when in fact, there is more than college to get a stable job, and in today’s society college is just too much for most people. With today’s society, there are so many jobs that do not need four-year degrees. For example, with the world becoming technology driven, more people are becoming more technologically advanced.

College is too expensive, and it keeps getting more and more expensive because of inflation. Highschool seniors cannot afford forty-thousand dollars for the upcoming four years in college. Some college graduates can’t even pay off their debts until they are far into the future. Diana Carew, a director of the Young American Prosperity Project Policy Institute, is one to agree. According to Carew, student loan debt has climbed twenty-nine thousand dollars per student in 2014, causing paying it off to be dreadful. In her article about the necessity of a four-year college, “There Should Be Alternatives to the Four-Year Degree,” she states that “the price to compete with these lower skill jobs is getting higher. [And] As college becomes less affordable, and the labor market becomes less generous, fewer people are able to buy the seemingly only ticket in town for success (Carew).” And with the average price of a public college being twenty thousand a year (2017-2018 school year), it gets more difficult to pay off such high prices, it is exactly the same for private schools, only it’s double the price of a public college.

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