"Why Do I Want to Be a Nurse - Applying to the College of New Rochelle

"Why Do I Want to Be a Nurse - Applying to the College of New Rochelle

My goals for the future are simple: I want to become a nurse so that I can make a difference in the world, and I want to achieve this at the College of New Rochelle. The reasons I aspire to become a College of New Rochelle graduate are that I agree wholeheartedly with the mission statement of the school of nursing, which is to care for people with “compassion, empathy, and altruism.” To me, becoming a nurse is more than just a career move. I recognize that caring for people’s physical needs without accounting for their emotional and spiritual health is not enough. The times that I have been sick, I have noticed the difference between doctors and nurses who care, and those who are just performing their duties. The warmth that can be transmitted in a smile or encouraging word should not be underestimated.

I look forward to learning all I can from the knowledgeable professors at the College of New Rochelle. I anticipate spending long hours in Gill Library gleaning all the knowledge I can from the 150,000 books it houses. But most of all, I look forward to obtaining clinical experience in one of the many hospitals and healthcare centers the College is affiliated with. I am excited at the idea of learning caring-healing practices and take pride in the thought that I will one day wear the College of New Rochelle cap and gown when I receive my official and long-anticipated welcome into the world of nursing and healthcare.

Once I graduate from the College of New Rochelle and become a registered nurse, I will be one of those nurses who make a difference in people's lives by showing compassion and empathy. I will consider my job much more than a job; I will consider it a calling and a responsibility to help people. When patients are afraid or worried, I will take the opportunity to reassure them and calm their fears with encouraging words. I will not rush through my duties, but rather take the time to get to know my patients and make sure all their needs are addressed. This is what I consider to be the role of a nurse, and I will be honored to fulfill it myself in the future.

With the experience and knowledge I gain while studying at the College of New Rochelle, I hope to find a job that fulfills me and allows me to spend long days providing care to patients while coming home with the knowledge that I have made a difference in someone’s life each day. Although as a simple nurse I cannot change the world, I know that I can help people one at a time and that by bringing care and empathy to one person, I can help whole families and communities. That is my life-long goal, and I believe that I can fulfill this goal in the nursing program at the College of New Rochelle. Thank you for considering my application.  

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