with this format write an 2-3 page essay upon the problems within cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation
Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Appreciation
Over past centuries, the world has experienced significant economic, technological, and political developments that have exacerbated global inequalities. Some countries have more technology and power than others, leading to inequalities between nations and cultural systems. Globalization has expanded market reach and increased form adoption by different nations to avoid trade barriers. These forms include technologies, human resource management practices, and cultural models. Cultural appropriation is the adaptation of elements from one cultural background by individuals from another, often leading to the exploitation of the minority group. Another issue related to cultural appropriation is cultural appreciation, which involves appreciating the elements of another culture for enjoyment or to obtain their benefits. The paramount differences between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation require investigations to differentiate between exploitative actions and those intended to understand and respect cultural system values, beliefs, and benefits.
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Cultural appropriation can be leveraged as a positive research because it raises awareness of diverse cultural practices and celebrates creativity. For example, some clothes fashion houses have been labelled for borrowing cultural elements from artists from developing countries without written or vocal recognition of those artists’. Nevertheless, this view is unsustainable because failure to recognize the origin musician contributes to existential problems and loss of their creative practices. Countries with artists with different cultural practices have poverty because they cannot earn from their dynamically changing cultural fashion, creating disincentives to leverage creative practices as motivation for sustainable careers. Another political critique of the need to recognize ethnic cultural practices condition is that it creates group silos based on creativity. Yet, this is unsustainable because failing to respect and recognizing their cultural needs leads to potential political upheaval and civil wars in extreme conditions (Keesing & Argueta, 2018). The politicization of cultural appropriation and appreciation issues offer competitive advantage but can lead to devastating consequences if the discussed fails to recognize the plight of cultural diversity exploitation.
Your Viewpoint
Cultural appropriation is deeply immorally exploitative cultural origins, and it entails lack of respect for their beliefs, customs, and practices by labelling as inferior. It represents power relations where culturally inferior groups fail to claim ownership of cultures because they lack the power to do so. Over time, cultures entrenched systemic marginalization of group cultures and exploited cultural creators, leading to poverty and civil wars in extreme situations (Woodcock & Nicholas, 2019). Presentation of motive-deficient theories indicates that such as the need to explain exploitation nature, some uses of cultural elements such lack of alignment of access and lack of creativity. For the problem of misalignment of access, cultural appropriation decreases complexity needs of the person who provided the culture by some creators of cultural articles. By appropriating cultural elements, other cultural creators are less likely to require complex thinking techniques as cultural creators from ethnicity that provide these elements need to think complexly. Not recognizing other cultural music practs and adopting their styles without compensations causes a loss of visual experience and cognitive development for not visiting theatres or listening to music for free without compensating those in developing countries.
Another explanation for cultural appropriation is the theory of merit of claims where the situation approved by the theory is commercially exploitable using creative art elements without compensating the original ethnic group. Creative curses offer leisure and celebrations, and not entertaining other music genres by listening and practicing unique heritages creates potential to exploit global audiences who have a passion for music. Not enjoying for cultural music practices leads to disincentives, lack of motivation and unfair advantages to enjoy (Woodcock & Nicholas, 2019). This becomes sustainable when entertainment industry players exploit their services to reach global audiences who need to experience cultural events and share their diversity.
In conclusion, cultural appropriation entails exploitation and lack of respect for other ethnic group's creative practices. Activities labelled as cultural appreciation offer an unfair advantage to policy and