Working While Studying Is Harmful for Students

Working While Studying Is Harmful for Students


Working and studying do not allow students to possess all necessary knowledge which they have to. Many students must work to pay their tuition. Students should work in the evening, when a home task should be prepared, or at night, when they have to sleep for getting ready for the next day. Weekend is another time, when students can work. Students are unable to have a rest properly. Studying hard at the University, writing different papers or reading numerous books, students are unable to relax.

Inability for students to have a rest leads to their nervousness and irritability. Working and studying at once is a great pressure on students’ physical abilities and mental opportunities. After some time of such life, students are sure to harm their health greatly. Lack of rest and sleep may lead to health problems in future. Being young and energetic, students think that they can pull up trees, but they do not think of the consequences of their activities.

Furthermore, students cannot cope with all the amount of information that is given in the University, they are unable to do all the tasks and, consequently, they lag behind the class. Students who work while studying will never be able to deal with these two activities perfectly, so one of the sides will suffer. Writing essays or performing other educational tasks, students will not try to do them properly, so they lose an opportunity to receive qualitative knowledge. In fact, students can perform these two activities at once, but their health will suffer greatly and in future students will see the consequences of their double life.


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