Write a 1200-1500-word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely address each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear

Write a 1200-1500-word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely address each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear

Group Development


Group development refers to the procedure where the members of a newly formed team have to learn how their teammates have been operating. The primary objective for doing this is to make them acquitted to the ways of the organization so that they can be assimilated faster and start working as expected.

The amount of time that is dedicated by the organization to group development is of great essence since it will make it possible for the new members to learn more about the organization, and this knowledge will be helpful in their daily activities. In addition to that, group development reduces supervision.

The five stages of group development

There are five stages in group development. The first one is the forming stage. In this stage, new people join the groups based on their skill set or the work that they have been assigned by the organization (Tuckman & Jensen, 2017). Most of the members in this stage have a lot of uncertainty as they will be testing the waters.

The second stage is referred to as the storming stage. This stage is named after the intragroup conflict. This is because there is conflict on who will be leading the group and the activities that the group can be assigned by the management of the organization. However, a hierarchy is established, and there is normalcy.

The third stage is the norming stage. Here close relationships are established.   By so doing, the groups become cohesive since everyone knows the role that they have to play. In addition to that, everyone is aware of the objectives of the group. The expectations of the group are well-defined, and there are fewer internal wrangles in the group.

The second last stage is referred to as the performing stage. The group now has a structure that can be accepted by everyone. The energy of the group moves from wanting to know about each other to want to work in unison as a group. The task forces and project teams have less work to do, and all their efforts are focused on the success of the group.

The last stage is referred to as the adjourning stage. The primary focus of this group is to disband, and attention is focused on wrapping things up (Miller, 2019). The group members have a different reaction to how they take things. Some will be thrilled by the accomplishments of the group, while others will be upbeat.

Information-gathering methods used by a new group

There are many ways in which a group can use it to gather information. The first method is literature sources. This method involves collecting of data that is already published and has been made available in the public domain.

Surveys are also useful in information gathering. Information can be gathered using questionnaires for the group that will decide to use this method (Cohen, Ledford Jr, & Spreitzer, 2021). Some of the ways surveys can be used include a paper-based questionnaire and web-based questionnaires, and the results are easy to analyze, making profound conclusions about the topic of study.

Experiments will help the group in gathering causal relationships between various variables that have to be examined. The advantage of the method is that one of the variables can be manipulated so that the group can measure the other to get the desired results.

Interviews have been efficient for an extended period of time in information gathering. The group will have to intensively engage the respondents so that they can get the information that they intend to gather.   It is the best method to correct new and in-depth responses to an issue.

Observation is a good method for the group to use. In this method, the group will have to observe specific patterns which are easy to identify and deduce what they would be leading to or identify specific trends of interest. This method has to be natural so that the respondents will not change their ways.

Documents and records are an important source of credible and verified information. In this process, the group will have to go through and examine some of the existing documents for the topic of interest to them. By so doing, they will be able to track changes that have been happening over time.

The difference between a traditional work team and a self-managing work team

A traditional team is also referred to as an intact team. A traditional team is a functional team that is comprised of a variety of experts who come together to share a common path on how the set objectives of the organization can be achieved. In many organizations, the traditional work team is an entire department (Kirschenbaum, 2022).

The senior level manager is in charge of leadership in the traditional teams; therefore, the management decides the recruitment process, and the people to be selected will be on the basis o

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