Write a short scenario that illustrates a particular type of dysfunctional conflict. Provide the who and what of the conflict. Discuss the components of the scenario that characterize the particular type of dysfunctional conflict. From your readings, identify and explain two strategies to effectively deal with the conflict. Strategies for Effective Conflict Management Strategies for Effective Conflict Management Expectations

Strategies for Effective Conflict Management



Write a short scenario that illustrates a particular type of dysfunctional conflict. Provide the who and what of the conflict. Discuss the components of the scenario that characterize the particular type of dysfunctional conflict. From your readings, identify and explain two strategies to effectively deal with the conflict. Strategies for Effective Conflict Management Strategies for Effective Conflict Management Expectations

Strategies for Effective Conflict Management

Dysfunctional conflicts often result in emotional harm, power struggles, and damaged relationships. Nunkoo & Sungkur (2021) define dysfunctional conflict as a type of conflict in which each of the warring parties comes to an agreement that is not beneficial to either of the involved parties. An example of a dysfunctional conflict is one involving employees and a manager. An organizational manager promises the employees that the management will reward them with bonuses in the event they meet the quarterly target for sales. A dysfunctional conflict may arise when the employees meet the set target, but the manager fails to give them the promised rewards and takes credit for the sale increments. In this case, the outcomes do not favor either of the involved parties. The employees are not rewarded for meeting the target, and the management fails to honor its word to the employees. Get in touch with us at eminencepapers.com. We offer assignment help with high professionalism.

Several strategies can be used in dealing with dysfunctional conflicts. Mediation and acceptance are valuable strategies for resolving dysfunctional conflicts (Pfajfar et al., 2019). In mediation, all the involved parties are involved in de-escalating the issue. In this case, the management will come together with the employees to explain to them why their grievances were not met and the prevailing circumstances that may have made the management fail to honor its promise to the employees. Acceptance is another strategy that is vital in addressing dysfunctional conflicts. In acceptance, one of the parties acknowledges the existence of the conflict and is ready to address it. In this case, the problem was out-rightly on the management’s side. By acknowledging the existence of the problem, the organization will be ready to dialogue with the employees to find a way out of the conflict.


Nunkoo, D. K., & Sungkur, R. K. (2021). Team Conflict Dynamics & Conflict Management: Derivation of a model for software organizations to enhance team performance and software quality. Global Transitions Proceedings2(2), 545–552. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gltp.2021.08.007


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