Your reasons for choosing the general practice nurse course newly qualified nurse The knowledge, skills and positions of responsibility you have obtained through your work and/or education,

Your reasons for choosing the general practice nurse course newly qualified nurse The knowledge, skills and positions of responsibility you have obtained through your work and/or education,


Pursuing a career as a general practice nurse: a personal statement


There are several reasons to pursue the general practice nurse course, including the increasing global demand for registered nurses, career stability and job security, and the potential to make a positive impact on patients’ lives. I have acquired valuable skills and knowledge in the healthcare sector as a newly qualified nurse, including administering medications, wound evaluation and management, maintaining patient confidentiality, sound communication (both written and verbal), attention to detail, teamwork, knowledge of infection prevention and control, and patient education (Duncan et al., 2023). These skills and knowledge are critical in providing the best general practice patient care.

Notably, my clinical placements as a student nurse were moments of personal and professional development that cemented my nursing vocation. Although challenging, they are crucial to becoming a competent general practice nurse because they taught me that nursing is not just a job but a calling. Important opportunities for learning and developing were provided, which were vital for my transition to registering as a qualified nurse (Bennett & Maurice, 2021). Based on this experience, my future career plan involves General Practice training and graduate entry Community nurse where I would work and care for susceptible diabetic patients. Eventually, I envision becoming a diabetic specialist at the community level. In conclusion, I expect to leverage my nursing skills to provide excellent care as a general practice nurse and advance my career by pursuing higher training to become a diabetic specialist.

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Bennett, A., & Maurice, V. (2021). Supporting student nurse empowerment on adult nursing placements: a quanti-qualitative study. Nurse education today, 97, 104694.

Duncan, W., Cameron, I., Johnson, M., & Students, B. R. (2023). Mental and emotional wellbeing in the undergraduate nursing curriculum: A focus group study of first-year student nurses' experiences. Nurse education in practice, 68, 103525.


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