StudyLoop Blog Posts


The Role of Nursing Interventions in the Nursing Process

What are nursing interventions?

Nursing interventions are simply any action a nurse performs to help patients reach expected outcomes. Providing physical treatments,...

How to Perform PQRST Pain Assessments


Preload and Afterload: A Cardiac Output Overview

Preload and afterload are terms you need to know for your next exam — or the next time you’re taking care of a patient. So you’ll likely be asked to calculate a patient’s afterload a...

Nursing Notes Examples

The following are four nursing notes examples varying between times of a patient’s admittance:


The Role of Nursing Notes in Documentation and Charting

Nursing students learn charting (along with notes) early and often to better paint a picture of the patient’s health at the time of...

What’s different about the 2024 NCLEX Test Plan

The NCLEX test plan is regularly revised to ensure it aligns with the current nursing practice standards and re...

How to Use the NCLEX RN Test Plan

For nursing postgrads embarking on the NCLEX RN journey, the NCSBN’s NCLEX RN Test Plan is an indispensable tool for exam s...