StudyLoop Blog Posts


Concepts of Proportional and Perceived Demand Curve:

We have said that monopolistic competition is an amalgam of perfect competition and monopoly. A monopolistically competitive firm does not face a horizontal demand curve. On the other hand,...

Notes on Monopolistic Competition: Meaning and Characteristics Monopolistic Competition: Meaning and Characteristics!


Meaning Monopolistic Competition:

The two important sub­divisions of imperfect competition ar...

Chamberlin’s Model of Monopolistic Competition

Chamberlin’s theory has been attacked on several grounds. Some of the criticisms are valid while others do not stand up to a clo...

Monopolistic Competition with Pure Competition (Comparison)

We said that the long-run equilibrium of the firm is defined by the point of tangency of the demand curve to the LAC curv...

Models of Equilibrium of the Firm (With Diagram)

Some of the most important model of equilibrium of the firm are as follows: Mo...

Group Equilibrium in Monopolistic Competition:

Under monopolistic competition, the word ‘group’ is used for industry. There is a difference between an industry and...

Equilibrium Price and Output under Monopolistic Competition: Short Run Equilibrium:

According to Prof. Chamberlin, the firm under monopolistic competition has to make a wider range of decisions than under perfect competition. The firm may vary its price and with it, its sa...