StudyLoop Blog Posts


Why does the Monopolist Operate on the Elastic Part of the Demand Curve?

 Why does the Monopolist Operate on the Elastic Part of the Demand Curve? A mono...

How does a Monopolist Reach Equilibrium?

Perfect competition is compatible only with increasing cost situation, In other words, a perfectly competitive firm reaches equili­b...

In order to attain maximum profit or, in order to be in equilibrium, the following two conditions are to be fulfilled:

  Firstly, MC must be equal to MR. This condition is known as necessary condition or first-order condition (FOC) for equilibrium. Secondly, the slope of MC curve must be greater than the sl...

How does a Monopolist Reach Equilibrium? whether MC is rising or falling or remaining constant, a monopoly reaches equilibrium provided the following two conditions are fulfilled:

Perfect competition is compatible only with increasing cost situation, In other words, a perfectly competitive firm reaches equili­b...

Absolute Control Over Market Supply vs. Absence of Control Over Market Supply:

The following are the main points of distinction between monopoly and perfect competition:

1. One Firm vs. Many Firms:

Price-Output Determination in a Multi-Plant Monopoly In this article we will discuss about the price-output determination in a multi-plant monopoly in the long run.

  In the long run, a monopoly organisation with a number of plants may increase (or decrease) the number of its plants with a view to obtain the profit-maximising...

Price-Output Determination in a Multi-Plant Monopoly In this article we will discuss about the price-output determination in a multi-plant monopoly in the long run.

  In the long run, a monopoly organisation with a number of plants may increase (or decrease) the number of its plants with a view to obtain the profit-maximising...

Why does the Monopolist Operate on the Elastic Part of the Demand Curve?

Get the answer of: Why does the Monopolist Operate on the Elastic Part of the Demand Curve? A monopolist wishing to ma...

Exam Question # Q.12. What are the Administrative Problems of State Enterprises?

Ans. Since independence, a large number of State enterprises have been established and the State has bee...