StudyLoop Blog Posts


Exam Question # Q.11. What are the Problems Faced by Public Sector Enterprises?

Ans. Some of the important problems of the public sector enterprises stated above have been analyzed here and if these problems could ...

Exam Question # Q.10. What is the difference between Partnership and Joint Hindu Family Firm?

Ans. Though both partnership and Joint Hindu Family firm are organized by groups of persons, there are s...

Disadvantages: As against the above advantages, the Joint Hindu Family firm suffers the following disadvantages:

  1. There is no encouragement to work hard and earn more, because members who work hard are not properly rewarded and all the co-partners irrespective of the wor...

Exam Question # Q.9. What are the advantages and disadvantage of Joint Hindu Family Firm? Ans. Some of the advantages of Joint Hindu Family firm are as follows:

  1. Every co-partner is guaranteed a “bare subsistence” irrespective of the extent of his contribution to the business.

Exam Question # Q.8. What do you mean by Joint Hindu Family Firm?

Ans. In India a large number of business are carried on in the shape of Joint Hindu Family (JHF) which a...

Henri Fayol's 14 Principles of Management

Henry Fayol, also known as the Father of Modern Management Theory...

What is Standard Costing vs Budgetary Control? What is Standard Costing?

Standard Costing is a method used to compare revenue and the stan...

What Are The Advantages of Cost Accounting?

Cost accounting is the process of assembling and evaluating information to discover how an organization can maximize its earning and utilise funds. There are various advantages of cost acco...