StudyLoop Blog Posts


General Features Of The Disorders And Inheritance Mitochondrial Disorders

Mitochondrial disorders represent a diverse group of conditions with a primary defect in electron transport chain function. Although other conditions, such as amino acid and fatty acid oxid...

Methods And Goals In The Social Analysis Of Science And Technology

Social scientists distinguish between the narrative of science – the abstract ideal, or myth, of science as completely objective, solely rational, and innately progressive – and the ins...

Positioning The Social Analysis Of Science And Technology

The social study of science and technology (also called science studies) is an emerging interdisciplinary field of research and theory. Anthropologists, historians, and sociologists use a v...

Meat Consumption And CVD Morbidity And Mortality

In general, diets high in red meat have been associated with increased CVD risk whereas higher intakes of fish and poultry have been associated with lower CVD risk (Hu et al., 2000; Fung et...

Application Of Measurement Methods In Public Health Contexts (E.G. Surveillance And Screening In Health Settings)

Government policy documents are beginning to suggest the use of surveillance methods such as repeat surveys over time in order to evaluate policies and success in implementing health object...

Purposes Of Epidemiological Methods (Epidemiological Estimates, Modeling Determinants, Treatment Planning, And Needs Assessment)

It makes sense that any data collection using epidemiological methods should be preceded by a careful consideration of the purposes for which they will be used. Yet convention often seems t...

The Impact Of Different Variants Of The Valuation Techniques

Although the academic literature has tended to focus on the most appropriate technique for valuation, it is important to remember that there are many variants of each technique and these to...

Pros And Cons Of Valuation Techniques Visual Analogue Scales (VAS)

VAS achieves high response rates and high levels of completion. VAS methods tend to be less expensive to administer than TTO or SG methods due to their relative simplicity and ease of compl...

The Core Questions To Address When Valuing Health States

To calculate QALYs it is necessary to represent health on a scale in which death and full health are assigned values of 0 and 1, respectively. Therefore, states rated as better than dead ha...

hypertensives Disorders Of Pregnancy (Preeclampsia/Eclampsia)

Pregnancy-specific hypertensive conditions, in particular preeclampsia/eclampsia, are among the leading causes of SAMM and maternal deaths. Four types of such conditions complicate pregnanc...