StudyLoop Blog Posts


Placing Regulation And Law In Context: The Direct Impact Of Economic Conditions

Important as law, regulation, and enforcement are to OHS standards, it is important to recognize that economic conditions also have a significant impact on safety. We noted above that small...

The Complex Division Between Criminal Behavior, Regulatory Breaches, And Desirable Behavior

Drawing bright lines in law and regulation between what is criminal, what is harmful and what is desirable is difficult. Part of the difficulty here is the way that the benefits of a partic...

Health Care Reform and Criminal Offenders Research Paper

Unintended Consequences Of Incarceration: Concurrency In The Community

The criminal justice system removes individuals away from the community, friends, family, and intimate partners. Once sexual or injection drug partners are separated, new partners may be in...

Future Directions: Interventions To Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Morbidity And Mortality

Previous studies have demonstrated that recently released inmates have an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease and current and former inmates are likely to have increased rat...

Incarceration Is Associated With Psychosocial Factors That May Increase Cardiovascular Risk

Incarceration may augment socioeconomic disadvantage, which is independently associated with the development of cardiovascular disease. Individuals released from prison and jail often face ...

Incarceration Is Associated With Behavioral Risk Factors That May Increase Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Higher rates of alcohol abuse and illicit drug use in patients with a history of incarceration are well documented and could contribute to increased cardiovascular risk. Injection drug use ...

Incarceration Is Associated With Increased Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors

In US studies, current and former inmates have higher rates of hypertension (Wang et al. 2009), smoking (Cropsey et al. 2008), and left ventricular hypertrophy (Wang et al. 2009) than the g...

Epidemiology Of Cardiovascular Risk Factors And Disease

Fundamentals Of Correctional Health Care

Incarceration Is Common And Costly

The prison population has tripled in the past 20 years, and the USA now incarcerates more people per cap...

Primary Malignant Tumors Of The Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma Incidence And Geographic Distribution

Hepatocellular carcinoma is the fifth most common malignant tumor in men and the eighth in women, but is among the three most common tumors in many of the most populous regions of the world...