Description: Danny describes the symptoms that have been bothering him. Question: What brings you in today? Time: 09:27 PM CDT Response: My Abuela brought me here because I’ve been feeling sick. I have been coughing a lot and I feel kinda tired. Empathize: I am sorry to hear that you are feeling sick and coughing a lot, which makes you tired. Response: Thank you.

Description: Danny describes the symptoms that have been bothering him. Question: What brings you in today? Time: 09:27 PM CDT Response: My Abuela brought me here because I’ve been feeling sick. I have been coughing a lot and I feel kinda tired. Empathize: I am sorry to hear that you are feeling sick and coughing a lot, which makes you tired. Response: Thank you.


Education & Empathy : 5 of 5 (100.0%)

During the patient interview, there are several opportunities to provide patient education and empathy. The opportunities listed below are identified by nursing experts as particularly important for this patient. A Model Statement is provided as an example of an appropriate response to each opportunity. Opportunities marked as Not Encountered are opportunities that were not elicited in the interview. Opportunities marked as Not Followed Up are missed opportunities that were present in the interview but where no statements were made. Opportunities marked as Followed Up were followed up by students and include the dialogue between the student and patient.

1. Symptoms

Followed Up Description: Danny describes the symptoms that have been bothering him.
  • Question: What brings you in today?
    • Time: 09:27 PM CDT
    • Response: My Abuela brought me here because I’ve been feeling sick. I have been coughing a lot and I feel kinda tired.
    • Empathize: I am sorry to hear that you are feeling sick and coughing a lot, which makes you tired.
    • Response: Thank you.
  • Question: Does your throat hurt?
    • Time: 09:40 PM CDT
    • Response: It feels a little bit sore, yeah.
  • Question: Do you have a runny nose?
    • Time: 09:40 PM CDT
    • Response: My nose is always a little bit runny, but ever since I started coughing, it’s been worse, I think.
  • Question: What color is your runny nose?
    • Time: 09:41 PM CDT
    • Response: You mean like when I blow my nose? It’s clear.
  • Question: How often do you blow your nose?
    • Time: 09:41 PM CDT
    • Response: Yeah, my nose is runny right now. It always seems a little bit runny.
    • Empathize: Danny, I feel sorry that you are having a hard time with coughing, a sore throat, and a runny nose.
    • Response: Thank you.
  • Question: Are you sneezing?
    • Time: 10:06 PM CDT
    • Response: I don’t usually have to sneeze. My nose gets runny a lot, like I have a cold.
  • Question: Do you sleep through the night?
    • Time: 10:08 PM CDT
    • Response: Most times, I sleep OK, but I haven’t been able to sleep much because of my cough.
  • Question: Do you have a fever?
    • Time: 10:08 PM CDT
    • Response: My mom said I didn’t have a fever this morning before Abuela took me here.
    • Empathize: Sorry to hear you are not able to sleep because of your cough, you must be tired.
    • Response: Thank you.
  • Question: Do you have any pain?
    • Time: 10:13 PM CDT
    • Response: Nothing really hurts. I’ve just had this cough for about five days, and I feel kind of tired.
  • Question: What’s your pain scale?
    • Time: 10:13 PM CDT
    • Response: Well, I have a little pain in my right ear. Maybe almost a 3. Yeah, it’s not too bad.
    • Empathize: Sorry to hear about your ear pain, I will check for you.
    • Response: Thank you.
  • Question: Does your left ear hurt too?
    • Time: 10:15 PM CDT
    • Response: My right ear is starting to hurt a little bit, my left one is OK though.
  • Question: Have you ever had ear problems?
    • Time: 10:15 PM CDT
    • Response: My right ear is starting to hurt a little bit, my left one is OK though.
  • Question: Have you ever had ear infections?
    • Time: 10:16 PM CDT
    • Response: The last time I had one was when I was little. Mom said I used to get them a lot. Maybe I was 2-years-old? Oh, my right ear kind of hurts now.
  • Question: Do you have any drainage from your ear?
    • Time: 10:16 PM CDT
    • Response: No, nothing comes out of my ears, but my right ear kind of hurts.
    • Empathize: Sorry to hear that.
    • Response: Thank you.
  • Question: Does your sore throat hurt when you swallow?
    • Time: 10:19 PM CDT
    • Response: No, I can swallow OK. It hurts a little right now because my throat is kinda sore.
  • Question: Is your sore throat constant?
    • Time: 10:20 PM CDT
    • Response: Um, it just feels kind of sore. I can feel it a little bit when I swallow.
  • Question: Have you had a flu vaccination?
    • Time: 10:21 PM CDT
    • Response: I don’t think I have had a flu shot, at least not this year.
    • Educate: It’s important to get a flu shot every year.
    • Response: Oh, OK.
Model Statement: “I’m sorry your ear and your throat hurt. I’ll take a look and we’ll see if we can help you feel better.”

2. Medications

Followed Up Description: Danny describes the medication he was given for his cough.
  • Question: Who gave you the cough medication?
    • Time: 09:34 PM CDT
    • Response: My mom.
  • Question: How often have you taken cough medication?
    • Time: 09:34 PM CDT
    • Response: I only took the cough medicine once. My mom gave me a spoonful.
  • Question: When did you take the cough medicine?
    • Time: 09:34 PM CDT
    • Response: My mom gave me some medicine this morning. That helped my cough a little. I don’t remember what it was called though, sorry.
    • Empathize: No problem Danny, I can ask your mom though.
    • Response: Thank you.
  • Question: Are you taking any other medications?
    • Time: 09:48 PM CDT
    • Response: I’m not taking any medicines every day. My mom gave me some cough medicine this morning though.
  • Question: Do you take any vitamins?
    • Time: 09:49 PM CDT
    • Response: Oh yeah, I take vitamins every day! The gummy dinosaur kind. I don’t think I’m supposed to, but sometimes I sneak extra ones to be super healthy.
    • Educate: To be healthy doesn’t mean you need to take extra. Taking more than recommended will not make you super healthy.
    • Response: Oh, OK.
  • Question: Do you take any allergy medication?
    • Time: 10:26 PM CDT
    • Response: I’m not taking any medicines every day. My mom gave me some cough medicine this morning though.
  • Question: Do you have asthma?
    • Time: 10:26 PM CDT
    • Response: Is that when you have to use an inhaler? My friend Tony does that sometimes, but I don’t have to.
  • Question: Are your immunizations current?
    • Time: 10:27 PM CDT
    • Response: Like getting shots? It seems like I get shots whenever I go to the doctor. Mom says I need them for school, but I hate it.
    • Educate: I know it’s not a fun activity, but vaccination will help you prevent disease.
    • Response: Oh, OK.
Model Statement: “Thanks for telling me what you know about the medications you take. I can ask your mom or your abuela for more information.”

3. Vitamins

Followed Up Description: Danny describes taking vitamins.
  • Question: Do you take any vitamins?
    • Time: 09:49 PM CDT
    • Response: Oh yeah, I take vitamins every day! The gummy dinosaur kind. I don’t think I’m supposed to, but sometimes I sneak extra ones to be super healthy.
    • Educate: To be healthy doesn’t mean you need to take extra. Taking more than recommended will not make you super healthy.
    • Response: Oh, OK.
Model Statement: “You’re right; taking vitamins can be good for you. However, sometimes taking too many vitamins can be bad for you. It’d be better if you don’t sneak extra vitamins—just take the amount that your mom gives you.”

4. Secondhand Smoke

Followed Up Description: Danny describes exposure to secondhand smoke at home.
  • Question: Do you smoke?
    • Time: 10:29 PM CDT
    • Response: No way! I know smoking is really bad—even for grown-ups. Papi smokes cigars sometimes. I don’t like how they smell.
    • Educate: You are a smart boy! Smoking is bad for health.
    • Response: Oh, OK.
  • Question: Does your papi smoke cigars inside the house?
    • Time: 10:31 PM CDT
    • Response: Sometimes Papi forgets to go outside with his cigars. He’s usually in the kitchen or the living room when that happens.
  • Question: Does the cigar smoke make your cough worse?
    • Time: 10:32 PM CDT
    • Response: No, not really. Papi usually smokes outside, but sometimes he forgets, and my mom will tell him to go out. I think they would make me cough if he smoked inside all the time. I don’t like how they smell.
  • Question: Does any of your family members smoke?
    • Time: 10:33 PM CDT
    • Response: Papi smokes cigars sometimes. I don’t like how they smell.
    • Educate: You can talk to Papi; smoking is not good for his health, and secondhand smoke is as bad as smoking.
    • Response: Oh, OK.
Model Statement: “That’s too bad your Papi smokes cigars at home. It sounds like it bothers you. Breathing in smoke isn’t very healthy, so it’s good to stay out of rooms where you can smell cigar smoke.”

5. Family History

Followed Up Description: Danny describes what he knows about his family health history.
  • Question: Do you have a family history of health problems?
    • Time: 10:37 PM CDT
    • Response: My mom sometimes talks about her diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Papi talks about cholesterol too. He smokes as well, which I know is bad.
    • Educate: You are right, Danny, smoking is bad.
    • Response: Oh, OK.
Model Statement: “Thanks for telling me what you know about your family history. You did a good job remembering.” Education & Empathy: 5 of 5 (100.0%)

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