Biology(and other life sciences) samples

Biology(and other life sciences)

Address each of the following regarding Teri’s case: Since the parietal cell is destroyed, which substance(s) is Teri lacking as a consequence? What is the correlation between the destruction of parietal cells and Vit B12 deficiency? Due to her condition, Teri lacks Pepsin. Explain why. If Teri were healthy, explain what her RBCs would look like. What is hematocrit?

  • Address each of the following regarding Teri’s case:

    Since the parietal cell is destroyed, which substance(s) is Teri lacking as a consequence?
    What is the correlation between the destruction of parietal cells and Vit B12 deficiency?
    Due to her condition, Teri lacks Pepsin. Explain why.
    If Teri were healthy, explain what her RBCs would look like.
    What is hematocrit?


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BHA FPX 4104 assessment 1 Strategic Planning and Leadership Name Capella university BHA-FPX4104 Strategic Leadership and Workforce Planning in Health Care Definition of Strategic Planning


Strategic planning encapsulates the process by which organizational leaders delineate their future vision while delineating their objectives and goals for the organization. It serves as a pivotal tool employed by organizations to attain their objectives, evade potential pitfalls, gain perspective on actions, and facilitate policy execution

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BHA FPX 4104 assessment 2 Strategic Analysis and Operational Considerations Name Capella university BHA-FPX4104 Strategic Leadership and Workforce Planning in Health Care Strategic Analysis and Operational Considerations


This paper delves into the dynamics of competition within the healthcare industry and its implications for strategic planning. It also evaluates the frameworks associated with healthcare organizations and their operational impacts. Through a comprehensive examination of internal, external, and general environments, the paper highlights the necessity of strategic planning in navigating the challenges posed by competition and ensuring organizational success. Competition Within the Healthcare Industry Competition in the healthcare sector is a contentious issue, with divergent views on its effects. While some argue that competition undermines the altruistic goals of healthcare by prioritizing cost reduction, others advocate for its role in driving efficiency and innovation (Goddard, 2015)

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The Morality of Selective Abortion and Genetic Screening


The continuation of species is a biological function that is present in all humans. Common social norms presuppose the desire to have children is natural and should be encouraged. However, genetic complexity might compromise future offspring’s opportunity to have a satisfying life. If a child is born with a medical condition, such as Huntington’s disease, their quality of life is almost assured to be low due to physical and social complications arising out of the disease. Modern technology allows doctors to predict the probability of a certain medical condition in an offspring. As a result, both parents and doctors are faced with a moral dilemma, which stems from the inability to provide the child with a fulfilling life (Vaughn 490). Subsequently, the decision to make an abortion might be moral if it is established that there is a strong probability that the fetus will develop into a person afflicted by an incurable medical condition

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Learning Competency

Learning Competency

Competency in nursing looks at the abilities that they required to fulfil their roles as nurse. In the nursing course, it becomes very important for them institution to clearly define their competency as by establishing a foundation for the nursing and education curriculum.  It is thus very important that nursing students and the whole educator program  competencies and outcomes are in addition to the competencies and outcomes the will see the student meeting the requirement  of their whole nursing graduate program during the first year and recurrent years of study (Alvarado, Alfaro, Rivas, & Rodriguez, 2016).  The competency statements also provide the educator and the student with guidance on what to focus on during the preparation of nursing educators and scholars (Alvarado, Alfaro, Rivas, & Rodriguez, 2016

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An Illustration of how our organization's risk management and compliance programs support ethical standards, patient consent, and patient rights and responsibilities.

According to Pozgar, Litt, Santucci, & MSCJ, J. (2016), every activity undertaken within the facility is guided by the outline of legal ethics within an organization. The activities include risk management programs such as the one that is currently operational (reducing nursing shortage) in my hospital. The laid down legal rules and regulations require that the risk management programs and strategies be undertaken in a safe setting (Khan, Rathnayaka, and Ahmed, 2015). In this regard, the risk management programs in the facility are

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Instructions: Overview of Nursing Education: History of Nursing Education in the United States Curriculum Development and Approval Processes in Changing Educational Environments Respond to the Discussion Board questions with a substantive answer using a minimum of two references for each Board posting beyond your text book. In addition, respond to at least two fellow students’ postings for each discussion forum. Each Discussion Board assignment is worth a total of 10% (i.e. eight points for your response and two points for your response to another student’s posting) towards the final grade. Please post your answers to the discussion questions halfway through the discussion time so that your fellow students will have time to respond with thoughtful answers. Be sure to refer to the Discussion Board Rubric for grading posted in course documents. Following this rubric will ensure a good grade. Late submissions of answers and responses will not be accepted and will result in

Discussion #4

Whether it is important for nurse educators in the practice setting and nursing schools to have graduate degrees? 

Nursing as a profession is very demanding but attracts individuals pursuing a profession in a discipline with solid growth.  The demand that comes with being a nurse compels some nurses to specialize in nursing education. Nurse educators working in practice and classroom setting are required to prepare the next generation of nurses to meet a rapidly evolving healthcare sector’s demands. For instance, nurse educators should prepare nurses to meet the distinct patients’ needs, advance science that enhances health professionals’ capacity to deliver quality and safe patient care, and assume leadership roles in the healthcare sector (National Academy of Sciences, 2011).  

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Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis) In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following as it applies to the scenario you were provided (not all may apply to each scenario): The factors that affect fertility (STDs). Why inflammatory markers rise in STD/PID. Why prostatitis and infection happens. Also explain the causes of systemic reaction. Why a patient would need a splenectomy after a diagnosis of ITP. Anemia and the different kinds of anemia (i.e., micro and macrocytic). Week Ten Case Study Assignment 42-year-old man presents to ED with 2-day history of dysuria, low back pain, inability to fully empty his bladder, severe perineal pain along with fevers and chills. He says the pain is worse when he stands up and is somewhat relieved when he lies down. Vital signs T 104.0 F, pulse 138, respirations 24. PaO2 96% on room air. Digital rectal exam (DRE) reveals the prostate to be enlarged, extremely tender, swollen, and wa

Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis)

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following as it applies to the scenario you were provided (not all may apply to each scenario):

  • The factors that affect fertility (STDs).
  • Why inflammatory markers rise in STD/PID.
  • Why prostatitis and infection happens. Also explain the causes of systemic reaction.
  • Why a patient would need a splenectomy after a diagnosis of ITP.
  • Anemia and the different kinds of anemia (i.e., micro and macrocytic).

Week Ten Case Study Assignment


42-year-old man presents to ED with 2-day history of dysuria, low back pain, inability to fully empty his bladder, severe perineal pain along with fevers and chills. He says the pain is worse when he stands up and is somewhat relieved when he lies down. Vital signs T 104.0 F, pulse 138, respirations 24. PaO2 96% on room air. Digital rectal exam (DRE) reveals the prostate to be enlarged, extremely tender, swollen, and warm to touch.

NB:  For this week's case study, you are only required to answer the questions pertinent to the case study. You do not have to address the other questions. In addition, please review the rubric and only address the criterion specific to the case study for which you are responsible.

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Instructions: this is task-centered practice, crisis intervention, and system theory Social Work Intervention Strategies

Instructions: this is task-centered practice, crisis intervention, and system theory

Social Work Intervention Strategies

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Number: Course Name


Date Due


Social Work Intervention Strategies

The social work process’s primary element is identifying appropriate intervention strategies informed by social work assessments, sociological and psychological theories. Social workers use their assessment and observation skills to assess and explain situations and select the most appropriate intervention methods based on the developed hypothesis about expected outcomes. However, implementing the chosen intervention methods requires various skills, like communication and knowledge in sustaining, maintaining, and building relationships. Similarly, critical analysis and reflection are required to appraise the intervention’s effectiveness.  Based on the case scenario, crisis intervention strategies and task centered practice will best address the client’s situation.

Case Scenario

David separated from his wife Sarah six months ago. David is experiencing financial problems but is expected to pay for the child’s maintenance.  David lost his job because of his organization’s recent cuts where he works as an independent agent.  As a result, David lost some key clients and experienced low demand.  The business is struggling, and David is stressed because he works for long hours with little returns. David has lots of temper with his wife and children and is withdrawn from them. However, no physical harm or aggression was reported by the wife. David’s mental state worsens as his wife announces separation. The consequences of wife separation include low mood, poor sleep, poor appetite, and low self-esteem. Depression diagnosed by GP. His condition has deteriorated, his mood worsened, poor self-care, and has suicidal thoughts. David wants to take overdose on non-prescription medication because his ex-wife told him that she was unwilling to let him have contact with his children as she felt he was mentally unstable.

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