As an entrepreneur, you want to start a business. You know that the first step is to consider drafting a business plan proposal to organize all of your ideas. For this assignment, you will submit a business plan for the legal considerations of your imaginary business

As an entrepreneur, you want to start a business. You know that the first step is to consider drafting a business plan proposal to organize all of your ideas. For this assignment, you will submit a business plan for the legal considerations of your imaginary business

Business Plan

Sometimes I am so busy studying now that I am in college, and working to pay the bills, that I forget to exercise. If I were to start a business that allowed me to get exercise, then I could feel as if I were not wasting my time while I was exercising. Since I am no personal trainer, I thought I would start a dog walking business. I have a dog and I walk him every day so both of us get exercise. There is no reason why I could not walk a few more dogs—or maybe a whole lot more dogs—and get my exercise. That might allow me to give up my other low-paying job and just work for myself. Since I love dogs, this is the perfect business for me, and the business is located in California where the weather is almost always nice.

To start the business I do not really need anything but a leash and some reliable poop bags for cleaning up after my charges. I can advertise on Facebook and on bulletin boards of local pet stores, vets and grooming facilities. I may even get enough business that I have to contract some of my walks out to other people.

Type of Business Entity

The IRS lists the various types of business entities sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, S corporations, and limited liability companies (LLC). Since I will be the sole proprietor, I can rule out a partnership. I can also rule out corporations and S corporation because I am not going to be a corporation. Corporations are public businesses in which shareholders have invested. S. corporations are a type of corporation that has shareholders who are responsible for the tax liabilities of the corporation (IRS, 2019). That leaves a sole proprietorship or an LLC. In a sole proprietorship, I would be completely responsible for taxes, expenses, and other liabilities. That means I could be sued personally if say one of the dogs I was walking decided to bite somebody. In an LLC, the business is considered a corporation even if there have been no outside investors. The limited liability refers to the fact that I cannot be personally sued for a liability of my business. I would choose that business structure.

Steps to Successfully and Legally Start the Business

There are 10 steps recommended by the Small Business Association (SBA) (2019). The first one is to do market research. It can help a would-be entrepreneur know if his or her business idea will be a successful business. Market research can also help to understand the types of customers and business there are in the area, and that can give an entrepreneur a competitive advantage. The next step is to write a business plan. The SBA (2019) says, the “business plan is the foundation of your business” (SBA, 2019). Next, the business needs to be funded. In my case, I have savings that will allow me to operate for a few months and then I will consider a business loan if I think it may be necessary. The next step is to pick a business location, but in my case, I am offering a service and I travel to the locations. The next step is to choose a business structure (discussed above), which I have done and to pick a name. I was thinking of “Dog Gone it” or “Every Dog has Its Day.” I have not decided for sure, but I am kicking around a few clever ideas for a name. The next steps are to register the business and get a federal and state tax identification. Then I have to apply for licenses and permits. The last step is to open a business banking account (SBA, 2019). This seems like a lot of work, but it really is not. Most of it requires filling out forms and writing checks.

Ethical Considerations

The main ethical consideration for a dog walking business is concerning the treatment of the dog. I also will have to be sure that the dogs I walk do not harm another person or animal. Another concern is being entrusted to go into someone’s house and get the dog to take him or her for a walk. Finally, if I see signs of abuse on the dog, I should report it to the local authorities.

Possible Disagreements and Their Resolutions

Disagreements could arise over pay or efficiency of walks (are the long enough to allow the dog to do all of its business), injuries to the dogs, and possible harm the dogs do or that is done to them. To resolve payment or walk duration disputes, I will have the humans sign a contract that specifies how much I am paid for every walk, how long the walks will be, whether or not the dog can walk with other dogs at the same time, and who is responsible for harm to the dogs or done by the dogs I am walking. This way when there is a dispute, I can produce the contract and remind the humans that they signed it. This is also legal protection for me if a human wants to sue me for something. Hopefully, any disagreements will not come to that. I would rather give up walking a dog than be in a constant stressed out state over what the h

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