Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Interaction Between Out-of-Phase Double Cavitation Bubbles and Rigid Walls

Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Interaction Between Out-of-Phase Double Cavitation Bubbles and Rigid Walls



By using boundary integral approach, a computational model that accounts for the interactions between out-of-phase double cavitation and stiff walls is proposed in this document (BEM). On the surface near a stiff wall that is 30 degrees to vertical, bubbles as well as the free surface interact. From two perspectives, the investigation will be done. A dimensionless distance parameter, h expressing the distances between both the original bubble as well as the vertical plane intersecting with free surface and the stiff wall, will be used to investigate the bubble location. A variation in the elevation of the free surface is discovered to be dependent on h for large-scale bubbles bursting and forming two liquid jets. When h is small, the free surface would be anticipated to reach its maximum height on the hard wall, whereas the maximum arises far above bubble with larger values. The free surface’s altitude just above bubbles is expected to increase consistently whenever the actual impact of the bubbles’ scale is relatively large, while it tends to increase and then reduces whenever the influence of the bubbles’ scale is comparatively small. This study will also simulate the bubbles and unrestricted surface’s behavior under different bubbles’ scales.


When the local pressure falls below a threshold number, vapors or gas voids (cavitation bubbles) develop, grow, and collapse in the liquid, a process known as cavitation occurs. The growth of the cavitation bubble has been studied extensively over the past few decades, yet key mechanisms, such as temperature decreases and multi-bubble interactions, remain a mystery [4]. In the experiments, high energy was released instantly at a specific moment in the liquid state to stimulate the cavitation bubble as well as high-speed photography was employed to capture the interface evolution.

Numerous experiments have been carried out to better understand the cavitation bubbles collapse close to stiff walls, including studies of the development of the bubbles, the production of micro-jets, and also the interactions between air bubbles and solid particles in the bubbles. Using trials, Chahine16 found that drag-reducing polymers have decreased the cavitation bubble’s duration. In addition, Kucherenko and Shamko17 conducted experiments on the bubbles formed whenever the difference between adjacent parallel hard walls was reduced, and they discovered the creation of a dumbbell- or cone-shaped bubble [6]. It has also been shown that asymptotic theory16,18 partially described the continuous change of bubbles interacting with parallel walls when the gap is significant enough.

Both experimental and computational methods were used by Ishida19 to investigate cavitation bubbles dynamics in the tight space. He noticed that the inclination of bubble inducement varied when the space between the two parallel walls varied. Shock waves and micro-jets can be linked to the proportion of the bubbles’ maximum diameters to the space between the parallel stiff wall, as researched by Ogasawara20. The progression of the heaviness and velocity grounds adjoining the cavitation bubbles may be detected by tests, however it is difficult to record this process under a variety of irregular situations.

CFD has become a significant technique for studying the evolution of cavitation bubbles as a result of advances in computer technology. The CFD approach can offer more detailed flow field characteristics and consequently a more thorough knowledge of the fluid mechanics in cavitation. The development of the cavitation bubbles amid complicated boundary constraints and harsh environmental conditions may be further studied using numerical simulations [2]. It has remained a sizzling topic in bubble subtleties because of its importance and widespread use in submerged blasts, ultrasonic debridement, ocean expeditions, and cavitation erosions.

Phenomena such as the high speed liquid jet in addition to cavitation regions beneath unrestricted surface have been studied extensively by pioneers. A single free surface is often studied here, although the surrounding structure is rarely taken into account by researchers. The bubble as well as the free surface’s conduct would be significantly altered if the surrounding structure were not there, but this is not always possible [3]. This interaction between bubble and structure is what removes impurities in ultrasonic cleaning, and it is also what causes damage to structures in military fields; in ocean investigation, the vessels significantly affect the signal of air guns, and this interaction is also what causes damage to structures in ultrasonic cleaning.

Because three-dimensional simulations take too long, researchers have turned to the Finite Volume Method to m

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