NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Final Care Coordination Plan

NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Final Care Coordination Plan



A proper trauma-informed care plan is needed that should address all the relating issues of trauma. That plan must include

  • Knowledge about trauma and its symptoms
  • Outcomes of trauma
  • An effective response to trauma patients
  • Resisting pre-traumatization
  • Creation of a safe care environment
  • A compassionate and collaborative relationship with patients
  • Provision of effective resources
  • Keeping patient’s preferences on top (Kuzma et al., 2020)

Various healthcare interventions and timelines to treat trauma patients are available based on the abovementioned goals. The interventions include medication and different therapies to address posttraumatic problems. There are plenty of other therapies too that help professionals in care delivery. In these therapies, different strategies are used to address the issue. 

Another healthcare intervention is a referral to different support groups and well-being activities. These referrals are important to improve the posttraumatic condition of the patient. It enhances their self-coping mechanism and exposure, which are essential in treating trauma patients.

Ethical Decisions in Designing Patient-Centered Interventions

Patient-centered interventions are considered good because they tend to focus on the specific patient, their needs and preferences. Moreover, the patient’s family and other surrounding people are involved in this healthcare approach. Thus, better care and prevention of the severity of illness are made possible for a patient (Chambers et al., 2020). Also, this process lightens the financial burden of the patient’s family and health settings. When patient-centered interventions are designed, four ethics principles are kept in priority list. It should be the first and the foremost part of the plan to consider these rules.

NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Final Care Coordination Plan

Beneficence is the patient’s right to get proper care and treatment from health settings and professionals. Autonomy requires to leave the decision about treatment to a patient and their family. Healthcare givers can aware of the disease, its treatment and possible consequences. The rest should be decided by the patient and family whether they want to proceed or not. Care providers can also convince them of better health, but not decide for them.

New policies should be included in designing interventions by learning from previously happened near misses or incidents of decision making. These decisions include the choice of treatment and keeping the privacy of trauma patients. Sometimes, it is very difficult for trauma patients to share their problems or experiences. In this situation, any kind of information leaking can welcome re-traumatization for them. Also, if health professionals take treatment decisions or leak information, it can lead them to face legal procedures too. That can damage their reputation and cause patients harm as well.

Health Policy Implications for the Coordination and Continuum of Care

As the number of trauma patients is increasing worldwide due to adverse reasons, policies should be implemented accordingly. Effective policies can be developed by researching and knowing about the reasons for psychological trauma, outcomes and patient’s needs. First of all, policies should be planted that focus on the mitigation of trauma effects. That can be done on a governmental level by media, such as awareness campaigns.

Another policy should be about probing into the effectiveness and implementation of other policies. Teams should be created to check whether other policies are meeting their targets or not. The policy should include probing and reporting the barriers. Policies regarding healthcare should be evidence-based and involve all stakeholders, like governments, huge health organizations, health professionals, patients and their families. Only thus a proper system can proceed for the betterment of patients.

A few policies that are already developed are discussed here. The policies are the Affordable Care Act (ACA), HIPAA Act, and Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. The main aims of these acts are the provision of affordable healthcare, protection of patient’s sensitive information and adoption of electronic health records for increasing patient security and healthcare. 

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