Sex Education Curricula can and has Reduced the Number of Pregnancies in Fayette and Shelby County

Sex Education Curricula can and has Reduced the Number of Pregnancies in Fayette and Shelby County


Throughout the United States, teen pregnancy is a major problem and a cause for concern. The United States ranks top among the developed nations in cases of pregnancies before the age of twenty. About 10% of females between 15 and 20 get pregnant every year which is approximately 890000 teens. Statistics show that more than 40% actually get pregnant before the age of 20 (Journal of School Health, 1999).

In Fayette County especially, the rate of teen pregnancy is worse that the average for the entire state. The result is an increase in birth rate in the two counties. This should be every person’s concern as it impacts on many young women’s lives and the society at large. Since society is also affected, it has a responsibility to step in and fight the problem.

Literature review

Causes of teen pregnancies

National Campaign to prevent Teen Pregnancy has researched and found out that among the causes of teen pregnancies in the United Sates are low self-esteem and the lack of support from the family as well as the community.

There is a lack of communication that denies the teens a chance to life exposure. In addition, teens are rarely involved in school activities and recreation. This leads to a disconnection from school, family and community and teens direct their energies elsewhere (Memphis and Shelby Health Department).

Other causes of pregnancies are the use of drugs and lack of guidance from responsible adults. The teens therefore have little knowledge about sexuality and sex. They are also influenced by peer groups into irresponsible behavior (Memphis and Shelby Health Department).

Teenagers need truthful information on the activities of their peers. What they think others are involved in impacts on their behavior. They lack to understand that not all teens are involved in sex and those who are wish they had been more patient.

Effects of teen pregnancies

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The Family Health Council raises concern over the statistics of teenage girls who become pregnant. It says that when these girls get pregnant, they are not likely to complete high school education. They therefore lack a chance to gain training after high school. In addition, they become single mothers (Memphis and Shelby Health Department).

Pregnancy for teens changes the direction of their lives and results in struggles that the teens are not prepared to handle. These same struggles are passed on to a new generation of kids. The children born out of teenage mothers are likely to suffer as much or even more than their mothers. They have no chance at solid family life since their own mothers are also children.


Teen pregnancy has been associated with poverty. Shelby is active in transportation and distribution. The households have medium incomes which fall below poverty level (US Bureau of the Census, 1994a). Because of this, the area has problems with prostitution.

Teens therefore are at a high risk of infection with STDs besides pregnancy. Moreover, single parenthood resulting especially from teen pregnancies is also a cause of teen pregnancies. When teens become pregnant, they lose the chance at training and hence an opportunity at employment. Their children thus lack a proper upbringing and an education. This leads to a repeat of the cycle. Lack of sex education especially plays a big role in teen pregnancies.

Sex education has proved effective in reducing the rates of teen pregnancies. By talking to children on sexuality, parents and teachers make them aware of the consequences and therefore make it clear that sex is not a game.

In addition, programs pass information on making wise decisions in life and educating the teens on why getting pregnant at an early age is not part of these wise decisions. The programs also make teens busy and reduce their chances of involving in irresponsible behavior.


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