Summative Assessment Personal and Professional Strategies Reflection Part 1: Professional Strategies The Strategy That Would Work Best To Address My Chosen Challenge

Summative Assessment Personal and Professional Strategies Reflection Part 1: Professional Strategies The Strategy That Would Work Best To Address My Chosen Challenge


I kept my mind open to what strategy would work best because effective communication strategies are crucial in addressing many leadership challenges and may be a useful approach to consider. Effective communication involves actively listening to others, promoting open dialogue and constructive criticism, and developing conflict-resolution strategies (Moreira et al., 2019). By prioritizing these aspects of communication, leaders may be better equipped to address challenges and build stronger relationships with those around them.

Common Themes in the Strategies Presented and Discussed By the Group

Some common themes in the strategies presented and discussed by the group include Leadership development: Many of the strategies proposed focused on developing the leadership skills of managers and healthcare leaders. This includes attending leadership classes, online courses, podcasts, and books, shadowing other leaders in the organization, and attending conferences. Communication and collaboration: The strategies also emphasized the importance of communication and collaboration in creating a positive work environment and addressing workforce challenges. This includes meeting regularly with team members, creating open and honest dialogue, and promoting teamwork through team-building activities and workshops. Data analysis and predictive analytics: The use of data analysis and predictive analytics was also discussed as a valuable tool for healthcare organizations to identify staffing gaps and plan for future workforce needs. Incentives and partnerships: The group also suggested offering incentives to existing employees to stay and providing training and development to ensure employees stay current with new technologies and processes. Additionally, partnerships with local schools and universities were recommended to identify and recruit new talent, as well as with outside organizations such as staffing firms to supplement the internal workforce. Conflict resolution and employee well-being: Finally, the group emphasized the importance of having a sound system for conflict resolution in place and addressing employee well-being by implementing job rotation systems to prevent burnout and provide opportunities for growth and development.

The Proposal Most Likely To Be Implemented

Both proposals have their strengths, and the decision to implement one or the other would depend on the specific needs and challenges of the healthcare facility. If the healthcare facility faces leadership and team management issues, the proposal Scott suggested may be more appropriate. Attending a leadership class and exploring additional resources such as online courses and books could help the manager develop the necessary skills to become a better leader and create a more positive environment in the department (Flaig et al., 2020). Additionally, setting up regular meetings with the team and creating an open and honest dialogue could improve the working environment and encourage team members to share their ideas and opinions.

On the other hand, if the healthcare facility faces staffing and workforce management challenges, the proposal suggested by Dorsey may be more appropriate. Implementing predictive analytics to identify staffing gaps and plan for future workforce needs could help healthcare organizations make more informed decisions about how to staff their organization best. Additionally, exploring potential partnerships with local schools and universities to identify and recruit new talent could help address talent shortages.

The Proposal Least Likely To Be Implemented

If I were a leader of a healthcare facility, I would least likely implement Scott’s suggestion of attending a leadership class and exploring additional resources. While leadership training can be beneficial, it is often a long-term investment that may not address immediate staffing or workforce management issues. Additionally, the cost of attending a leadership class and accessing other resources may not be feasible for all healthcare facilities. In conclusion, the decision to implement one or the other proposal would depend on the specific needs and challenges of the healthcare facility. Therefore, it is essential to carefully evaluate the proposal’s potential benefits and challenges before deciding.

Part 2: Personal Strategies

Areas to Focus On To Become a Stronger and More Effective Leader

One of the areas to focus on to become a stronger and more effective leader is self-awareness development. A good leader must know their strengths and weaknesses, personal values and beliefs, and how they affect their leadership style. Self-awareness helps leaders identify areas that need improvement and develop themselves (Carden et al., 2021). Secondly, I ne

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