Engineering samples


Causes and Effects of Juvenile Delinquency: Essay Abstract


Given the widespread family, societal, community, and individual costs that come with high rates of juvenile delinquency, one cannot help to wonder what the government is doing about it. It is also everybody’s concern that the government may not be doing enough to make a difference.

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Punishment vs. Rehabilitation Within the Criminal Justice System



Though it is hard to disagree that this is a wonderful world, unfortunately, there are several disadvantages and adverse factors influencing people’s experience throughout their lives. For example, one of the primary and serious problems is the high crime rate and the vast number of offenders. A way to solve this issue and prevent persons from defying the law is to punish those who commit crimes so that neither they nor others consider it an option. Although it is a rather practical and time-tested method, there is an opinion that punishing people is not ethical, and rehabilitation is a better approach to correct the antisocial behavior of criminals.


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Case Study: The consequences of violating the safety and health regulations in a small engineering company

The case considered in this essay entails an employee who has suffered injury at work. As noted, during the time of the accident, there was no first aider who could attend to the injured worker. Therefore, the first regulation violated here involves the emergency and fire safety regulation. Secondly, the laboratory safety regulations are also violated. Thirdly, the regulations providing for establishment of safe working environments are violated. Lastly, regulations providing for emergency telephone access are also not considered.

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The Health and safety regulations in Electrical Engineering Environments

In the mechanical engineering workplace, the health and safety provisions available can be divided into emergency and fire safety regulations, laboratory regulations, building access regulations and general safety regulations. The emergency and fire safety regulations require the management to provide first aid services, the first aid personnel’s list, fire safety protocols, and the red fire telephone instructions. On the other hand, the laboratory safety regulations entail the provision of information on laser safety, chemical safety, and the mechanical workshop safety regulations (‘Health and Safety Executive’ 2002, p. 3).

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implications involved in violating these regulations are provided by considering a specific case study. The health and safety regulations in a mechanical engineering environment

In the mechanical engineering workplace, the health and safety provisions available can be divided into emergency and fire safety regulations, laboratory regulations, building access regulations and general safety regulations. The emergency and fire safety regulations require the management to provide first aid services, the first aid personnel’s list, fire safety protocols, and the red fire telephone instructions. On the other hand, the laboratory safety regulations entail the provision of information on laser safety, chemical safety, and the mechanical workshop safety regulations (‘Health and Safety Executive’ 2002, p. 3).

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Network Design and Management Trends 2 In this paper, you will research and report on network design and management trends over the last three years (present year minus 2) in the areas of virtualization, security, hardware, network management tools, software defined networking, and wireless. Choose, at least, three areas and explain the general trend and trends within two subsets of the area (i.e., security has subsets of physical, perimeter, monitoring) over the last three years. Use at least one figure from Google Trends showing a trend discussed in your paper. Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited.

Network Design and Management Trends 2 In this paper, you will research and report on network design and management trends over the last three years (present year minus 2) in the areas of virtualization, security, hardware, network management tools, software defined networking, and wireless. Choose, at least, three areas and explain the general trend and trends within two subsets of the area (i.e., security has subsets of physical, perimeter, monitoring) over the last three years. Use at least one figure from Google Trends showing a trend discussed in your paper. Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited.

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Networking Trends Paper: In this paper, you will research and report on network design and management trends over the last three years (present year minus 2) in the areas of virtualization, security, hardware, network management tools, software defined networking, and wireless. Choose, at least, three areas and explain the general trend and trends within two subsets of the area (i.e., security has subsets of physical, perimeter, monitoring) over the last three years. Use at least one figure from Google Trends showing a trend discussed in your paper. Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited. The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 5 to 7 pages of content, and a minimum of four peer-reviewed references. Your assignment will be graded based on the rubric, which can be viewed when clicking on the assignment submission link above


Network design and management have been characterized by continued innovation in the areas of cloud services, server virtualization, content and mobile devices. The networking industry requires to reexamine the network architectures and design to consolidate and fit in the new innovations. The previous designs were mostly dominated by Ethernet switches largely arranged in a hierarchical protocol. The dynamic storage and computing needs in the areas of education, business, and governmental organizations among others, required a change from earlier designs that were client-server based to more reliable ones. The following are some of the new innovations that facilitated constant developments in the network design and management.

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Networking Trends Paper: In this paper, you will research and report on network design and management trends over the last three years (present year minus 2) in the areas of virtualization, security, hardware, network management tools, software defined networking, and wireless. Choose, at least, three areas and explain the general trend and trends within two subsets of the area (i.e., security has subsets of physical, perimeter, monitoring) over the last three years. Use at least one figure from Google Trends showing a trend discussed in your paper. Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited. The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 5 to 7 pages of content, and a minimum of four peer-reviewed references. Your assignment will be graded based on the rubric, which can be viewed when clicking on the assignment submission link above


It can be deliberately stated that in almost every sector new ideas are emerging every now and then. Some of the new ideas take in the form of a vital growth and development in some sectors and continues to develop demand for the possible consumers. Especially in the IT sector the networking trends are occurring every day with the proper use of the cloud. The trends and development in the IT sector has a tendency to make sure that the various organisations are being highly benefited and that they have substantial amount of potential to continue with the development that might eventually allow them to earn adequate amount of profit for further improvisation. The recent networking trends are exclusively known to improve the functioning of multiple business organisations and at the same time, make sure that they can push their limits to be one of the well-defined institutions. The recent trends do not always have to of positive nature. There is a significant amount of possibility that they might have the tendency to cause a negative impact as well.

Network Design and Management Trends- The Concept

The concept of network design and management trends instigates the proper use of various computer network design and other activities that makes sure that an organisation is able to conduct their businesses in an appropriate manner. This completely focuses on their range of reliability, efficiency and capabilities of using data transferring channels. At the same time, the idea of proper network operation, maintenance and administration is taken into consideration as well to make sure that the rate of growth and development can be properly maintained and that everyone can gain adequate amount of benefits from that (White, 2016). On a global scale, the rate at which the system of networking continues to pace up is surprising for everyone. Every year, users connect with more devices and demand more bandwidth for the high throughput of the applications that are required to use. For the continues growth of network use, various organisations have taken the initiative to change their own networking and communication to make sure that they can attract more population.

Network Design and Management Trends Over the Last Three Years

The consequential level of trends occurring in the networking and management trends over the past few years have a shown a decent level of consistency and led to the understanding of the idea that the people are highly integrated towards the idea of making sure that they can improvise their current functioning with the help of designated amount of improvements. Some of the trends that have been constant comprises of security, software defined management and the use of wireless. These three aspects have continued to gain the attention of the people with the huge amount of innovation that has been added up for the beneficiary context of these developments and with the virtues of consideration that has been initiated by the growth and development of these technologies.


Security is one of the most integral aspect of the networking trends. Every communication aspect of technical encouragement mainly focuses on the idea of making sure that substantial amount of knowledge has been acquired for the better protection of the users and to make sure that a proper sense of prosperity and communication has been maintained throughout for the determination of the results. There are multiple aspects that are making the idea of network security a complete challenge (Yan & Yu, 2015). The growing use of personal devices, new mobile operating systems and various other factors have contributed to the idea that it would be extremely difficult to ensure the proper maintenance of the networking system and to prevent every possibilities threat in terms of using the systems. Here, the idea of using mobile networks, VPNs and roaming users have to be included to make sure that the traditional boundaries are being properly tested and secured for the better security advocacy.


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Hypothetical Research Studies for Statistical Analyses

Selecting an appropriate statistical method is an important step in analyzing research data. Selecting the wrong statistical analysis method creates serious challenges when interpreting a study’s findings and affects the conclusions drawn from the studies (Mishra et al., 2019). In statistics, for each specific situation, there are appropriate statistical methods available for analyzing and interpreting data. Mishra et al. (2019) explain that selecting the appropriate statistical method requires knowledge concerning the assumptions and conditions of statistical methods, the nature and type of the data collected, and study objectives since appropriate statistical methods are selected based on these factors. This paper contributes to an enhanced understanding of statistical analysis methods by proposing five hypothetical research studies for five statistical analysis approaches

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