Finance samples


Ensure that you have the appropriate lighting and equipment to record the presentation. The Assignment Record yourself presenting the complex case for your clinical patient. Do not sit and read your written evaluation! The video portion of the assignment is a simulation to demonstrate your ability to succinctly and effectively present a complex case to a colleague for a case consultation. The written portion of this assignment is a simulation for you to demonstrate to the faculty your ability to document the complex case as you would in an electronic medical record. The written portion of the assignment will be used as a guide for faculty to review your video to determine if you are omitting pertinent information or including non-essential information during your case staffing consultation video. In your presentation: Dress professionally and present yourself in a professional manner. Display your photo ID at the start of the video when you introduce yourself. Ensure that you do n

  • Ensure that you have the appropriate lighting and equipment to record the presentation.

The Assignment

Record yourself presenting the complex case for your clinical patient.

Do not sit and read your written evaluation! The video portion of the assignment is a simulation to demonstrate your ability to succinctly and effectively present a complex case to a colleague for a case consultation.

The written portion of this assignment is a simulation for you to demonstrate to the faculty your ability to document the complex case as you would in an electronic medical record. The written portion of the assignment will be used as a guide for faculty to review your video to determine if you are omitting pertinent information or including non-essential information during your case staffing consultation video.

In your presentation:

  • Dress professionally and present yourself in a professional manner.
  • Display your photo ID at the start of the video when you introduce yourself.
  • Ensure that you do not include any information that violates the principles of HIPAA (i.e., don’t use the patient’s name or any other identifying information).
  • Present the full complex case study. Include chief complaint; history of present illness; any pertinent past psychiatric, substance use, medical, social, family history; most recent mental status exam; current psychiatric diagnosis including differentials that were ruled out; and plan for treatment and management.
  • Report normal diagnostic results as the name of the test and “normal” (rather than specific value). Abnormal results should be reported as a specific value.
  • Be succinct in your presentation, and do not exceed 8 minutes. Specifically address the following for the patient, using your SOAP note as a guide:
    • Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?
    • Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?
    • Assessment: Discuss patient mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses and why you chose them. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis, and why? Describe how your primary diagnosis aligns with DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and supported by the patient’s symptoms.
    • Plan: In your video, describe your treatment plan using clinical practice guidelines supported by evidence-based practice. Include a discussion on your chosen FDA-approved psychopharmacologic agents and include alternative treatments available and supported by valid research. All treatment choices must have a discussion of your rationale for the choice supported by valid research. What were your follow-up plan and parameters? What referrals would you make or recommend as a result of this treatment session?
    • In your written plan include all the above as well as include one social determinant of health according to the HealthyPeople 2030 (you will need to research) as applied to this case in the realm of psychiatry and mental health. As a future advanced provider, what are one health promotion activity and one patient education consideration for this patient for improving health disparities and inequities in the realm of psychiatry and mental health? Demonstrate your critical thinking.
    • Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this patient if you could conduct the session over? If you are able to follow up with your patient, explain whether these interventions were successful and why or why not. If you were not able to conduct a follow up, discuss what your next intervention would be.

By Day 7 of Week 7

Submit your Video and Focused SOAP Note Assignment. You must submit two files for the note, including a Word document and scanned PDF/images of each page that is initialed and signed by your Preceptor.

Expert Answ

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For this week assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation based on the following case studies. Read the case studies and answer the following questions: Apply Guido’s MORAL model to resolve the dilemma presented in the case study described in Ethical Scenario 4-3 on p. 48 which is titled, “When Care Appears Medically Inappropriate,” (Guido textbook 7th edition). How might the nurses in this scenario respond to the physician’s request? How would this scenario begin to cause moral distress among the nursing staff, and what are the positive actions that the nurses might begin to take to prevent moral distress? Read the following case study and answer the following questions: “You be the Ethicist”, presented at the end of Chapter 3, p. 41, which starts, “Helga Wanglie…” (Guido textbook). What are the compelling rights that this case addresses? Whose rights should take precedence? Whose rights should take precedence? How might the institutions’ organizational ethics policies have impac

For this week assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation based on the following case studies.

Read the case studies and answer the following questions:

Apply Guido’s MORAL model to resolve the dilemma presented in the case study described in Ethical Scenario 4-3 on p. 48 which is titled, “When Care Appears Medically Inappropriate,” (Guido textbook 7th edition).

  • How might the nurses in this scenario respond to the physician’s request?
  • How would this scenario begin to cause moral distress among the nursing staff, and what are the positive actions that the nurses might begin to take to prevent moral distress?

Read the following case study and answer the following questions: “You be the Ethicist”, presented at the end of Chapter 3, p. 41, which starts, “Helga Wanglie…” (Guido textbook).

  • What are the compelling rights that this case addresses? Whose rights should take precedence?
  • Whose rights should take precedence?
  • How might the institutions’ organizational ethics policies have impacted the outcome of this case?
  • Leaving any legal issues aside, how would you have used ethical principles to decide the outcome of this case, if Helga Wanglie had continued to survive relying on life-sustaining measure?

Now, examine the same Helga Wanglie scenario from the perspective of health care policy.

  • How would you begin to evaluate the need for the policy and the possible support or lack of support for the policy from your peers, nursing management, and others who might be affected by the policy?
  • Do the 10 framework questions outlined by Malone in chapter 4 (Guido textbook, p. 50) assist in this process?
  • Create a process proposal for the organization with possible guidelines, procedures, and policies to address the issues you have identified.

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How has nursing practice evolved over time? Explain the significance of evidence-based practice and critical thinking in modern nursing.

How has nursing practice evolved over time? Explain the significance of evidence-based practice and critical thinking in modern nursing.

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T The U.S. government keeps statistics on many people in America. One interesting statistic is the poverty rate The U.S. government keeps statistics on many people in America. One interesting statistic is the poverty rate. To be living in poverty, one must earn income below a certain threshold (approximately $900 per month). Many multimillionaires are included in this statistic. Recently, Barbara Streisand was “living in poverty.” In a particular year, she did not perform live, and her album sales were extremely slow. She has a great deal of wealth but had little income that year. Although she has more money than 99.99% of the rest of the population, according to the government income threshold, she was considered to be impoverished. What other statistic can you name that is misleading? Why?


The U.S. government keeps statistics on many people in America. One interesting statistic is the poverty rate

The U.S. government keeps statistics on many people in America. One interesting statistic is the poverty rate. To be living in poverty, one must earn income below a certain threshold (approximately $900 per month). Many multimillionaires are included in this statistic. Recently, Barbara Streisand was “living in poverty.” In a particular year, she did not perform live, and her album sales were extremely slow. She has a great deal of wealth but had little income that year. Although she has more money than 99.99% of the rest of the population, according to the government income threshold, she was considered to be impoverished. What other statistic can you name that is misleading? Why?

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ample of how you as a professional nurse have used ethical theories or ethical principles in a clinical practice setting Discussion Question: Please respond to ONE of the following prompts. Describe an example of how you as a professional nurse have used ethical theories or ethical principles in a clinical practice setting. OR In your clinical setting, consider the many times and various ways in which you acted as a patient or family advocate. Which model did you follow in advocating for the patient: rights protection model, values-based model, or respect for persons model? Would having used a different model have changed the outcome? Were there also instances when you chose not to be an advocate for a particular patient? What circumstances or events prevented you from serving in this role?

ample of how you as a professional nurse have used ethical theories or ethical principles in a clinical practice setting

Describe an example of how you as a professional nurse have used ethical theories or ethical principles in a clinical practice setting

Discussion Question:

Please respond to ONE of the following prompts.

  • Describe an example of how you as a professional nurse have used ethical theories or ethical principles in a clinical practice setting.


  • In your clinical setting, consider the many times and various ways in which you acted as a patient or family advocate. Which model did you follow in advocating for the patient: rights protection model, values-based model, or respect for persons model? Would having used a different model have changed the outcome? Were there also instances when you chose not to be an advocate for a particular patient? What circumstances or events prevented you from serving in this role?

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Examine the legal and ethical issues related to physician-assisted suicide

Examine the legal and ethical issues related to physician-assisted suicide

Physician-assisted suicide, also known as assisted dying or aid-in-dying, refers to the practice of a physician providing a patient with the means to end their own life, typically through the prescription of a lethal dose of medication (Pozgar, 2020). This practice is legal in a number of countries and states around the world, but it remains a controversial and highly debated topic.

There are a number of legal and ethical issues related to physician-assisted suicide. In many jurisdictions, physician-assisted suicide is illegal, and physicians who participate in assisted dying may face criminal charges (Pozgar, 2020). In jurisdictions where assisted dying is legal, there are often strict legal requirements and procedures that must be followed in order to ensure that the patient’s decision is voluntary and informed.

There are also ethical complications with the process and can affect the general perception of the healthcare sector (Pozgar, 2020). Many people believe that assisted dying is a violation of the medical profession’s ethical obligation to preserve life and that it undermines the trust and respect that should exist between doctors and patients.

Others argue that assisted dying is a compassionate and humane way to provide relief to patients who are suffering from terminal or incurable conditions and that it is a fundamental right for individuals to be able to make decisions about their own end-of-life care (Pozgar, 2020). Additionally, there are ethical and legal concerns that physician-assisted suicide may disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, such as those who are low-income, elderly, or disabled, and that it may be used as a substitute for proper palliative care.


Pozgar, G. D. (2020). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals (5th ed.). Jones and Bartlett. ISBN: 9781284144185.

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Discuss why there is controversy over genetic markers and stem cell research


The main controversy involves the use of genetic markers to identify and classify individuals based on their genetic characteristics (Zhou et al., 2019). These classifications denote that the use of genetic markers can lead to discrimination and stigma, particularly when used in conjunction with other forms of personal information.

Others argue that the use of genetic markers can be beneficial in certain situations, such as in the development of personalized medical treatments or the identification of potential genetic risk factors for certain conditions. Another area of controversy involves the use of stem cells in research and medical treatments (Zhou et al., 2019).

Stem cells are cells that can develop into a wide variety of cell types, and they have the potential to be used to repair or replace damaged or diseased tissues. However, the use of stem cells in research and medicine has been the subject of significant ethical debate, particularly when it involves the use of embryonic stem cells, which are derived from human embryos.


Dierickx, S., Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B., Penders, Y., Cohen, J., van der Heide, A., Puhan, M. A., … & Chambaere, K. (2020). Commonalities and differences in legal euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in three countries: a population-level comparison. International Journal of Public Health65(1), 65-73.

Leget, C., & Kohlen, H. (2020). End of life: Care ethical perspectives. In Contemporary European perspectives on the ethics of end-of-life care (pp. 75-92). Springer, Cham.

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In 200-250 words, answer the following: According to the Christian worldview, how might a Christian rank the priority of the four principles? Explain why. (45 points)

In 200-250 words, answer the following: According to the Christian worldview, how might a Christian rank the priority of the four principles? Explain why. (45 points)

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Part 2: Evaluation Answer each of the following questions about how principlism would be applied: In 200-250 words, answer the following: According to the Christian worldview, which of the four principles is most pressing in this case? Explain why. (45 points)

Part 2: Evaluation

Answer each of the following questions about how principlism would be applied:

  1. In 200-250 words, answer the following: According to the Christian worldview, which of the four principles is most pressing in this case? Explain why. (45 points)

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Part 1: Chart (60 points) Ethical Issues Based on the Principles of Beneficence Nonmaleficence, autonomy and Justice and Fairness

Part 1: Chart (60 points)

Ethical Issues Based on the Principles of Beneficence Nonmaleficence, autonomy and Justice and Fairness

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Death and Dying: Case Analysis How George can Interpret His Suffering in Light of the Christian View of the Fallen World and Resurrection

Death and Dying: Case Analysis

How George can Interpret His Suffering in Light of the Christian View of the Fallen World and Resurrection

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How George Must Contemplate Life with Their Dilemma and the Role of Christian View in Helping Him Understand His Value as a Person

How George Must Contemplate Life with Their Dilemma and the Role of Christian View in Helping Him Understand His Value as a Person

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Shirley is a 76yo female who presents to your office for evaluation of chest pain that has been going on for the past 4 days. She states she occasionally does get chest pain now and again, but she noticed that over the past 4 days, when walking up the stairs, or going on her morning walk to get coffee with her girlfriends, she develops a central chest pressure and pain. When she stops walking, and rests, the pain completely resolves. When asked to point to where her pain is she points to the are above her left breast. She states it radiated to her left shoulder, and occasionally gets “a strange tingling” in her left arm. She denies any fever, chills, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Denies cough, occasional shortness of breath; but not new for her. She denies headaches or feeling like she is dizzy, or going to pass out. She denies any history or Family history of PE or DVT. She used to smoke 1PPD of cigarettes for 30 years, but quit at age 65. She denies any arm or leg swelling. PMHX: H

Shirley is a 76yo female who presents to your office for evaluation of chest pain that has been going on for the past 4 days. She states she occasionally does get chest pain now and again, but she noticed that over the past 4 days, when walking up the stairs, or going on her morning walk to get coffee with her girlfriends, she develops a central chest pressure and pain.

When she stops walking, and rests, the pain completely resolves. When asked to point to where her pain is she points to the are above her left breast. She states it radiated to her left shoulder, and occasionally gets “a strange tingling” in her left arm. She denies any fever, chills, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Denies cough, occasional shortness of breath; but not new for her. She denies headaches or feeling like she is dizzy, or going to pass out. She denies any history or Family history of PE or DVT. She used to smoke 1PPD of cigarettes for 30 years, but quit at age 65. She denies any arm or leg swelling.

PMHX: HTN, HLD, CAD, DM, COPD, Hypothyroid

Medications: Lisinopril 10mg Once daily, Amlodipine 5mg Daily, Lipitor 40mg once daily, Pepcid 40mg BID, Ventolin Inh. PRN Q6hours, Metformin 1000mg BID, Synthroid 125mcg daily

Surgical HX: CABGX2 (2016)

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The Community Health Nurse’s Role in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention (Through Tasks Such as Case Finding and Contact Tracing, Reporting, Data Collection, Analysis, and Follow-up)


Managing TB requires participation of various parties including patients and health workers. As part of the healthcare professionals, community health nurses play crucial role, meeting various aspects of patients’ needs. At the primary level, these nurses sensitize the public about TB including the lifestyle choices and the behaviors that may cause TB. When educating the public and the most vulnerable groups, they may emphasize modification of the lifestyle, and smoking cessation. The nurse also engages policy makers, recommending the need to adopt regulations that expand access to health care services. Through these efforts, the nurse can help minimize cases of TB infections.

When it comes to the secondary prevention still, the community nurse’s role becomes crucial. In this case, they find cases by identifying individuals with compromised immune systems. They also perform assessments and diagnostic tests, determining positive TB cases. In addition, they trace people who have been in contact with the TB patients, monitoring them to ascertain their TB status. In case they suspect or diagnose TB cases, they notify the officials so that necessary measures can be taken.

Concerning the TB, the tertiary prevention is necessary in the sense that it minimizes the impact of the TB, with the community health nurse playing a fundamental role during this phase of prevention. For example, the nurse manages the disease, providing treatment to TB patients. The nurse may remind them to take their medications by following the prescription information. This may happen when following up with the patients, assessing their progress after discharge. Furthermore, the nurse works with other professionals including counselors, assisting the patient to learn how stop habits that may interfere with the recovery (Madebo, Balta, & Daka, 2023).

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We’ll write everything from scratch Question  Statements, Logical Equivalence, and Converse Assessment Description Define the term statement in your own words. How can you decide if two statements are logically equivalent? Is a statement always logically equivalent to its converse? Explain.

We’ll write everything from scratch


Statements, Logical Equivalence, and Converse

Statements, Logical Equivalence, and Converse

Assessment Description
Define the term statement in your own words. How can you decide if two statements are logically equivalent? Is a statement always logically equivalent to its converse? Explain.

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We’ll write everything from scratch Question  How to Teach Decimal Place Value How would you teach the notion of decimal place value to a class? How are decimal numbers related to rational numbers? When is a decimal number also a rational number?

We’ll write everything from scratch


How to Teach Decimal Place Value

How to Teach Decimal Place Value

How would you teach the notion of decimal place value to a class? How are decimal numbers related to rational numbers? When is a decimal number also a rational number?

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The attachment is the data set on the project data sales tab. Then, each title is broken down to show the mean, standard deviation, etc. Instructions below. Complete the following four hypotheses, using α = 0.05 for each. The week 5 spreadsheet can be used in these analyses. 1. Mean sales per week exceed 42.5 per salesperson 2. The proportion receiving online training is less than 55% 3 Mean calls made among those with no training is at least 145 4. Mean time per call is 14.7 minutes Using the same data set from part A, perform the hypothesis test for each speculation in order to see if there is evidence to support the manager’s belief. Use the Eight Steps of a Test of Hypothesis from Section 9.1 of your textbook as a guide. You can use either the p-value or the critical values to draw conclusions. Be sure to explain your conclusion and interpret the claim in simple terms. Compute 99% confidence intervals for the variables used in each hypothesis test and interpret these intervals. Wr

The attachment is the data set on the project data sales tab. Then, each title is broken down to show the mean, standard deviation, etc. Instructions below.
Complete the following four hypotheses, using α = 0.05 for each. The week 5 spreadsheet can be used in these analyses.

1. Mean sales per week exceed 42.5 per salesperson
2. The proportion receiving online training is less than 55%
3 Mean calls made among those with no training is at least 145
4. Mean time per call is 14.7 minutes
Using the same data set from part A, perform the hypothesis test for each speculation in order to see if there is evidence to support the manager’s belief. Use the Eight Steps of a Test of Hypothesis from Section 9.1 of your textbook as a guide. You can use either the p-value or the critical values to draw conclusions. Be sure to explain your conclusion and interpret the claim in simple terms.
Compute 99% confidence intervals for the variables used in each hypothesis test and interpret these intervals.
Write a report about the results, distilling down the results in a way that would be understandable to someone who does not know statistics. Clear explanations and interpretations are critical.
All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy.
Project Part B report is due by the end of Week 6.
Project Part B is worth 100 total points. See the grading rubric below.
Format for report:
Summary Report (about one paragraph on each of the four speculations)
Appendix with the calculations of the Eight Elements of a Test of Hypothesis, the p-values, and the confidence intervals. Include the Excel formulas or spreadsheet screenshots used in the calculations.

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As a group member, you will post an initial reply that includes the work and solutions to each question provided in the document by using the Equation Editor (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. In the Rich Content Editor. Once your initial reply has been posted, note whether or not your answers match the solutions of your fellow group members. Come together as a group and start a dialogue. Group Challenge Problem Discussion Where are the errors in the proposed solutions (mine or classmates’)? Which solution is correct? Why? Is there more than one way to get to the correct solution? Have we given thorough explanations for our work? The length of a rectangle is a two-digit number with identical digits (aa). The width is 1/10 of the perimeter, which is 2 times the area of the rectangle. Find the length and the width. How long is the shorter side of a rectangle when one side is 2” longer than the other, and the area is 15 sq. in? Solve the following inequality for b

As a group member, you will post an initial reply that includes the work and solutions to each question provided in the document by using the Equation Editor (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. In the Rich Content Editor.
Once your initial reply has been posted, note whether or not your answers match the solutions of your fellow group members.
Come together as a group and start a dialogue.

Group Challenge Problem Discussion

Group Challenge Problem Discussion

Where are the errors in the proposed solutions (mine or classmates’)?
Which solution is correct? Why? Is there more than one way to get to the correct solution?
Have we given thorough explanations for our work?

  1. The length of a rectangle is a two-digit number with identical digits (aa). The width is 1/10 of the perimeter, which is 2 times the area of the rectangle. Find the length and the width.
  2. How long is the shorter side of a rectangle when one side is 2” longer than the other, and the area is 15 sq. in?
  3. Solve the following inequality for b. 7 – 4b ≤ −3(b − 1) Show the solution in set builder notation and interval
  4. Solve the following inequality for x. – 1 (2

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Unit 7 Discussion: Next Term Access the course catalog and review the description of the course(s) you have registered to take for next Term. (The undergraduate course catalog begins on page 220, depending on the version you are using. Post a response to the appropriate prompt(s) below: If you will be taking a course in your major, discuss how you anticipate that this course will contribute to your knowledge base and career preparation. Be sure to use APA format to cite any reference(s) that support your statements. If you will be taking a general education course, discuss the benefits of a broad knowledge base beyond your major topic of study. Be sure to use APA format to cite any reference(s) that support your statements. If you will be taking an elective, discuss why you find the course interesting. Be sure to use APA format to cite any reference(s) that support your statements. If you will be graduating upon completion of this course, congratulations! Please discuss how you will us

Anticipating How the Next Course Will Help Me Succeed

Next term, I will be taking HRM 341 – Employment Law, a course in my major. I anticipate learning more in-depth information about various topics related to employment law. This course will contribute to my knowledge base by providing specific information about employee rights and the legal protection of those rights (Bagenstos, 2020). I will use it to handle employee claims in the workplace. This course will help me build a stronger foundation in my major, contributing to my preparation for my future career. I will also use it to eliminate discrimination in the workplace and ensure that everyone is given a fair chance.

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The goal of this project is to learn something about big data that you did not know before. For this project, you will watch at least one video presentation at Nobel Conference 57 hosted by Gustavus Adolphus College in 2021. You will report about (1) what you learned in the video and (2) your reaction to the content of the video. Once you find a video from the conference that is of interest to you, watch the video and write two pages or more about what you learned in the video. Personalize your paper, that is, relate what you learned to yourself: what did you learn? What do you think about it? What is your reaction to the content of the video? You may want or need to do a little more research outside of the conference website for words/topics with which you are unfamiliar or for which you want to dig a little deeper.

The goal of this project is to learn something about big data that you did not know before. For this project, you will watch at least one video presentation at Nobel Conference 57 hosted by Gustavus Adolphus College in 2021. You will report about (1) what you learned in the video and (2) your reaction to the content of the video.
Once you find a video from the conference that is of interest to you, watch the video and write two pages or more about what you learned in the video.
Personalize your paper, that is, relate what you learned to yourself: what did you learn? What do you think about it? What is your reaction to the content of the video?
You may want or need to do a little more research outside of the conference website for words/topics with which you are unfamiliar or for which you want to dig a little deeper.

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We’ll write everything from scratch Question  Book: Van de Walle, J.A. (2018), Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades PreK-2, (Vol 1) 3rd Edition; Pearson Read Chapter 15: Measurement 1st page Chapter 15 measurement DB: Post on the discussion board how you would introduce measurement to a kindergarten class. Introducing Measurement to a Kindergarten Class Why would you use this technique? How would you assess students?

We’ll write everything from scratch


Book: Van de Walle, J.A. (2018), Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades
PreK-2, (Vol 1) 3rd Edition; Pearson

Read Chapter 15: Measurement

1st page Chapter 15 measurement
DB: Post on the discussion board how you would introduce measurement to a kindergarten class.

Introducing Measurement to a Kindergarten Class

Introducing Measurement to a Kindergarten Class

Why would you use this technique? How would you assess students?

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You currently have a semester’s experience learning about statistics. Take a moment to think about this course. Critical Understanding of Sampling Techniques What is one major takeaway from this course’s content that you can use in your everyday life? No more than 200 words, no less than 100 word

Critical Understanding of Sampling Techniques

Throughout this statistics course, the major takeaway that profoundly impacts my everyday life is the critical understanding of sampling techniques. Learning about random, systematic, stratified, and cluster sampling has equipped me with valuable tools to discern the reliability of information in various contexts. In a landscape swamped with data, understanding these sampling methods has become a compass guiding me through the maze of information. This newfound skill extends its influence into various facets of my daily routine

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Question  Combination and Permutations Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: How can you determine if you need to use a combination or permutation to count the number of outcomes? Which will usually have more outcomes? Why? Provide an example in your explanation.


Combination and Permutations

Combination and Permutations

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

How can you determine if you need to use a combination or permutation to count the number of outcomes?
Which will usually have more outcomes? Why?
Provide an example in your explanation.

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Your organization, XYZ Company, notes several hurdles to attracting and retaining staff in the post-pandemic climate. One example is the employer’s inability to adjust to the remote work arrangement, and another is a lack of pay equity commitment. In keeping with XYZ Company’s goal to treat employees well, management is looking for feedback to measure the company’s performance as the employer of choice. You work as the Manager of Workforce Analytics within the Human Resources department. The company is growing rapidly, and your boss, Jane, who is the Chief People Officer (CPO), wants to make sure that the company is treating its employees equitably. She is analysis-driven, so she taps you to work on several projects to uncover any potential issues. Her objectives are to: Describe the current state of salary data using the measures of central tendency and variability. Give a point estimate and construct a confidence interval of the number of employees who want to work remotely. Condu

Your organization, XYZ Company, notes several hurdles to attracting and retaining staff in the post-pandemic climate. One example is the employer’s inability to adjust to the remote work arrangement, and another is a lack of pay equity commitment.

In keeping with XYZ Company’s goal to treat employees well, management is looking for feedback to measure the company’s performance as the employer of choice.

You work as the Manager of Workforce Analytics within the Human Resources department. The company is growing rapidly, and your boss, Jane, who is the Chief People Officer (CPO), wants to make sure that the company is treating its employees equitably. She is analysis-driven, so she taps you to work on several projects to uncover any potential issues. Her objectives are to:

Describe the current state of salary data using the measures of central tendency and variability.
Give a point estimate and construct a confidence interval of the number of employees who want to work remotely.
Conduct a hypothesis test from two populations, male employees and female employees, of a claim that they have the same mean salary.
Test a claim that employee pay is on par with industry standards with a hypothesis test from one population.
Apply a normal distribution to review the current dental insurance plan expenses.

Identify any correlation between seniority and pay
Conduct a regression analysis between employee age and salary
Let’s get started and gather insights into the workforce data.

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For this project, you will go to on your web browser. Using the TED search engine (magnifying glass in the upper right corner), do a search for “math”. There are thousands of math-related talks on Please don’t choose the first one that pops up; search for a topic that sounds interesting to you. If you are interested in applications of math and art or math and music or math and computers or math and …, you can also search for those specific topics. Once you find a topic of interest, watch the video on that topic and write two pages or more about (1) what you learned in the video, and (2) your reaction to the content of the video. You may want or need to do a little more research outside of for words/topics with which you are unfamiliar or for which you want to dig a little deeper. Personalize your paper, that is, relate what you learned to yourself: what did you learn? What do you think about it? What is your reaction to the content of the video? Your paper s

For this project, you will go to on your web browser. Using the TED search engine (magnifying glass in the upper right corner), do a search for “math”. There are thousands of math-related talks on Please don’t choose the first one that pops up; search for a topic that sounds interesting to you. If you are interested in applications of math and art or math and music or math and computers or math and …, you can also search for those specific topics.

Once you find a topic of interest, watch the video on that topic and write two pages or more about (1) what you learned in the video, and (2) your reaction to the content of the video. You may want or need to do a little more research outside of for words/topics with which you are unfamiliar or for which you want to dig a little deeper.

Personalize your paper, that is, relate what you learned to yourself: what did you learn? What do you think about it? What is your reaction to the content of the video?

Your paper should be submitted as a PDF file in the designated D2L folder. Keep these requirements in mind when typing up your paper:

The paper must be two or more typed pages long.
Type your paper on a standard letter-sized (8 ½ x 11-inch) page
It should be double-spaced using a 12-point font.
One-inch page margins. This includes top, bottom, and side margins.
Your paper must include a title page with your name (this does not count as one of the two pages).
Include the link for your video on the title page.
Proofread and spell-check your paper carefully before submitting it. If possible, have a tutor at the Writing Center go over the paper with you.
Submit your paper as a PDF file. (Word documents are “converted” for viewing in D2L and that can affect the formatting of your document.) From Word, you can just “save as” and find “PDF” under “file type.”

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Final Project Assignment Instructions Scenario Background: A marketing company based out of New York City is doing well and is looking to expand internationally. The CEO and VP of Operations decide to enlist the help of a consulting firm that you work for, to help collect data and analyze market trends. Expanding into Global Markets- Strategies and Market Trends Analysis Expanding into Global Markets- Strategies and Market Trends Analysis You work for Mercer Human Resources. The Mercer Human Resource Consulting website lists prices of certain items in selected cities around the world. They also report an overall cost-of-living index for each city compared to the costs of hundreds of items in New York City (NYC). For example, London at 88.33 is 11.67% less expensive than NYC. More specifically, if you choose to explore the website further you will find a lot of fun and interesting data. You can explore the website more on your own after the course concludes. https://mobilityexchang

Final Project Assignment Instructions
Scenario Background:

A marketing company based out of New York City is doing well and is looking to expand internationally. The CEO and VP of Operations decide to enlist the help of a consulting firm that you work for, to help collect data and analyze market trends.

Expanding into Global Markets- Strategies and Market Trends Analysis

Expanding into Global Markets- Strategies and Market Trends Analysis

You work for Mercer Human Resources. The Mercer Human Resource Consulting website lists prices of certain items in selected cities around the world. They also report an overall cost-of-living index for each city compared to the costs of hundreds of items in New York City (NYC). For example, London at 88.33 is 11.67% less expensive than NYC.

More specifically, if you choose to explore the website further you will find a lot of fun and interesting data. You can explore the website more on your own after the course concludes. cost-of-living-rankings#rankings
Assignment Guidance:

In the Excel document, you will find the 2018 data for 17 cities in the data set Cost of Living. Included are the 2018 cost of living index, the cost of a 3-bedroom apartment (per month), the price of a monthly transportation pass, price of a mid-range bottle of wine, the price of a loaf of bread (1 lb.), the price of a gallon of milk and price for a 12 oz. cup of black coffee. All prices are in U.S. dollars.

You use this information to run a Multiple Linear Regression to predict Cost of living, along with calculating various descriptive statistics. This is given in the Excel output (that is, the MLR has already been calculated. Your task is to interpret the data).

Based on this information, in which city should you open a second office? You must justify your answer. If you want to recommend 2 or 3 different cities and rank them based on the data and your findings, this is fine as well.
Deliverable Requirements:

This should be ¾ to 1 page, no more than 1 single-spaced page in length, using 12-point Times New Roman font. You do not need to do any calculations, but you do need to pick a city to open a second location at and justify your answer based upon the provided results of the Multiple Linear Regression.

The format of this assignment will be an Executive Summary. Think of this assignment as the first page of a much longer report, known as an Executive Summary, that essentially summarizes your findings briefly and at a high level. This needs to be written up neatly and professionally. This would be something you would present at a board meeting in a corporate environment. If you are unsure of an Executive Summary, this resource can help with an overview. What is an Executive Summary?
Things to Consider:

To help you make this decision here are some things to consider:

Based on the MLR output, what variable(s) is/are significant?
From the significant predictors, review the mean, median, min, max, Q1, and Q3 values.
It might be a good idea to compare these values to what the New York value is for that variable. Remember, New York is the baseline, as that is where headquarters are located.
Based on the descriptive statistics, for the significant predictors, what city has the best potential?
What city or cities fall below the median?
What city or cities are in the upper 3rd quartile?

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Click the ‘scenario’ button below to review the topic and then answer the following question: Description: A downloadable spreadsheet named CV of r was provided in the assessment instructions for you to use for this question. In some workplaces, the longer someone has been working within an organization, the better the pay is. Although seniority provides a way to reward long-serving employees, critics argue that it hinders recruitment. Jane, the CPO, wants to know if XYZ has a seniority pay system. Analyzing the Relationship Between Tenure and Workplace Performance- A Case Study Using CV Data Analyzing the Relationship Between Tenure and Workplace Performance- A Case Study Using CV Data Question: Based on the salary and age data in the spreadsheet, find the value of the linear correlation coefficient r, the p-value and the critical value of r using alpha = 0.05. Determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between age and salary. Scena

Analyzing the Relationship Between Tenure and Workplace Performance- A Case Study Using CV Data

To determine whether there is a significant linear correlation between age and salary at XYZ Company, we have the calculated value of the linear correlation coefficient (r) as 0.518. For a significance level of α = 0.05, the critical value of r can be found in the provided CV of the r spreadsheet. We look for the critical value that corresponds to r = 0.518, which also has a sample size (n) of 28. The critical value of r for α = 0.05 and n = 28 is approximately 0.361. Next, we need to find the p-value corresponding to the calculated value of r. The p-value represents the probability of observing a correlation coefficient as extreme as the calculated value under the assumption of no correlation (null hypothesis).

To test the hypothesis that there is no linear correlation between age and salary, we set up the null and alternative hypotheses as follows:

Null Hypothesis (H0): No linear correlation exists between age and salary (r = 0).

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): A linear correlation exists between age and salary (r ≠ 0).

Since the sample size is relatively small (n = 28), we will use a t-distribution to find the p-value. The formula for the t-statistic in this case is:

t = r * sqrt((n – 2) / (1 – r^2))

t = 0.518 * sqrt((28 – 2) / (1 – 0.518^2))

t ≈ 5.286

Using the t-table for a two-tailed test, we find that the p-value corresponding to t ≈ 5.286 is significantly less than 0.001 (p < 0.001). Since the p-value is less than the significance level, α = 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, we can conclude that there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between age and salary at XYZ Company. The positive value of r = 0.518 suggests a moderate positive linear relationship between age and salary. Therefore, as the employees’ age increases, their salary tends to increase as well.

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Analyzing the Relationship Between Tenure and Workplace Performance- A Case Study Using CV Data

Analyzing the Relationship Between Tenure and Workplace Performance- A Case Study Using CV Data

To determine whether there is a significant linear correlation between age and salary at XYZ Company, we have the calculated value of the linear correlation coefficient (r) as 0.518. For a significance level of α = 0.05, the critical value of r can be found in the provided CV of the r spreadsheet. We look for the critical value that corresponds to r = 0.518, which also has a sample size (n) of 28. The critical value of r for α = 0.05 and n = 28 is approximately 0.361. Next, we need to find the p-value corresponding to the calculated value of r. The p-value represents the probability of observing a correlation coefficient as extreme as the calculated value under the assumption of no correlation (null hypothesis).

To test the hypothesis that there is no linear correlation between age and salary, we set up the null and alternative hypotheses as follows:

Null Hypothesis (H0): No linear correlation exists between age and salary (r = 0).

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): A linear correlation exists between age and salary (r ≠ 0).

Since the sample size is relatively small (n = 28), we will use a t-distribution to find the p-value. The formula for the t-statistic in this case is:

t = r * sqrt((n – 2) / (1 – r^2))

t = 0.518 * sqrt((28 – 2) / (1 – 0.518^2))

t ≈ 5.286

Using the t-table for a two-tailed test, we find that the p-value corresponding to t ≈ 5.286 is significantly less than 0.001 (p < 0.001). Since the p-value is less than the significance level, α = 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, we can conclude that there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between age and salary at XYZ Company. The positive value of r = 0.518 suggests a moderate positive linear relationship between age and salary. Therefore, as the employees’ age increases, their salary tends to increase as well.

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Examining Gender-Based Disparities in Salaries- An Independent Samples T-Test Analysis


Based on the provided salary data for male and female employees, we will test whether there are significant differences in the salaries of the employees at the company based on their genders. Assuming that the samples are independent and their variances are not known but assumed to be equal, the calculated mean salaries for the employees are as follows:

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Read Chapter 14, Fractions Book: Van de Walle, J.A. (2018), Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally appropriate instruction for Grades PreK-2, (Vol 1) 3rd Edition; Pearson Looking for standards visit: Fractions can be taught at an early age using developmentally appropriate strategies. Create a 5-day lesson plan for 1st-grade teaching fractions. (Short version plan) How would you introduce fractions? How would you engage children in the process of learning? What manipulatives would you use?

Read Chapter 14, Fractions
Book: Van de Walle, J.A. (2018), Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally appropriate instruction for Grades PreK-2, (Vol 1) 3rd Edition; Pearson

Looking for standards visit:

Fractions can be taught at an early age using developmentally appropriate strategies.

Create a 5-day lesson plan for 1st-grade teaching fractions. (Short version plan)

How would you introduce fractions? How would you engage children in the process of learning? What manipulatives would you use?

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D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company’s Housing Price Prediction Model

The analysis of the model demonstrated that the relationship between the variables is positive, as the trendline is ascending. This implies that that higher the square footage of the house, the higher the listing price. The effect of the square footage of the house is strong, as the line was steep with almost 45 degrees angle. Even though the model had some outliers, it is best to keep them, as they capture important information for the larger-than-usual houses. Peason’s correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r) was 0.9, which confirms that the correlation between the variables was very strong.

The Line of Best Fit

Regression analysis demonstrated that the listing price could be predicted using the following equasion:


Where y is the listing price, and x is the square footage of a house.

The regression model demonstrates that an increase in the area of the house by one square foot increases the listing price by $132.58. The listing price also appears to have a constant of $58,059 which is added to the variable part of the listing price. The coefficient of determination was R2 = 0.805, which means that the 80.5% of changes in the listing price can be explained by the changes in the square footage of the house.

My house is 1,950 square feet. Thus, considering the regression equation the listing price should be:

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How Has the Financial Institutions and Regulators Reacted to the COVID Pandemic in Canada? Is This Consistent With Other Participants in the US?

The outbreak of COVID-19 has been a major impact to the economies of different countries all over the world. The financial institutions and regulators are supposed to play a critical role of ensuring that the Canadians are assisted to access affordable credits easily. The impositions of tough restrictions and lockdowns which are supposed to contain the spread of COVID-19 has made to the slowdown of economic activities, hence have to rely of credits to run their operations like settling the employees’ wages. On the other side there are several companies and firms which have not been able to attain credits due to the imposition of strict credit regulations which they cannot be able to meet.

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Fulfilment Scenario GBI re-sells a range of bicycles. The company have had an Inquiry from an existing customer (The Bike Zone ###) for 4 Deluxe Touring Bike (Black). As indicated, the customer is already in the system. Once you create the Inquiry, the customer has requested a formal Quotation. The customer receives the quotation and sends GBI a Purchase Order which is entered into the system as a Sales Order. As there is enough stock, you will complete the Delivery process. An Invoice will be created, and sent to the customer, and then GBI will receive Payment from the Customer. Note: If you did the exercise, then your customer will be there. If not, then you will have to create the customer. The process of creating a new customer is given on page 68 of the SAP Tutorial. Your task is to complete the fulfilment process from a specified scenario and produces several screenshots to verify the completion of the process. The required data for various steps is displayed below. All other dat

Fulfilment Scenario GBI re-sells a range of bicycles. The company have had an Inquiry from an existing customer (The Bike Zone ###) for 4 Deluxe Touring Bike (Black). As indicated, the customer is already in the system. Once you create the Inquiry, the customer has requested a formal Quotation. The customer receives the quotation and sends GBI a Purchase Order which is entered into the system as a Sales Order. As there is enough stock, you will complete the Delivery process. An Invoice will be created, and sent to the customer, and then GBI will receive Payment from the Customer. Note: If you did the exercise, then your customer will be there. If not, then you will have to create the customer. The process of creating a new customer is given on page 68 of the SAP Tutorial. Your task is to complete the fulfilment process from a specified scenario and produces several screenshots to verify the completion of the process. The required data for various steps is displayed below. All other data is the same as the exercise you have previously completed. The screenshots are to be inserted (pasted) in the specified areas below.

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Analyzing the Post-Pandemic Economy and the Impact of Rising Global Energy Prices

The Johnson & Johnson corporation has considerably influenced New Jersey’s society concerning its economic and healthcare dimensions. Johnson & Johnson was established by a trio of siblings identified as Robert Wood Johnson, Edward Mead Johnson, and James Wood Johnson. The establishment of the corporation took place in the year 1886, specifically in New Brunswick, NJ. They focused on wound care items such as bandages and infant products. The corporation has become a significant participant in the healthcare sector, manufacturing medical equipment, medications, and consumer health commodities.

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Impact of Johnson & Johnson on New Jersey’s Society in Terms of Economy and Healthcare

The Johnson & Johnson corporation has considerably influenced New Jersey’s society concerning its economic and healthcare dimensions. Johnson & Johnson was established by a trio of siblings identified as Robert Wood Johnson, Edward Mead Johnson, and James Wood Johnson. The establishment of the corporation took place in the year 1886, specifically in New Brunswick, NJ. They focused on wound care items such as bandages and infant products. The corporation has become a significant participant in the healthcare sector, manufacturing medical equipment, medications, and consumer health commodities.

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The Impact of COVID-19 on Marriage and Divorce Rates in Australia Introduction

Unemployment benefits are financial help furnished to people who have misplaced their jobs because of no fault in their own (Chetty, Friedman, Hendren, Stepner, et al.). The present day guidelines and approaches for unemployment blessings range via way of means of country however typically encompass necessities along with actively looking for employment, minimal income thresholds, and adhering to unique reporting necessities (Gale et al.)[6]. These necessities goal to make sure that people are creating a good-faith attempt to locate work and that the benefits are paid to individuals who are in need.

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The Impact of Tax Cuts and Covid-19 Laws on Unemployment Benefits: Reducing Reportable Income and Its Consequences Overview of current policies and procedures for unemployment benefits

Unemployment benefits are financial help furnished to people who have misplaced their jobs because of no fault in their own (Chetty, Friedman, Hendren, Stepner, et al.). The present day guidelines and approaches for unemployment blessings range via way of means of country however typically encompass necessities along with actively looking for employment, minimal income thresholds, and adhering to unique reporting necessities (Gale et al.)[6]. These necessities goal to make sure that people are creating a good-faith attempt to locate work and that the benefits are paid to individuals who are in need.

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Dissociative Identity Disorder and Gender PrevalenceThe Effect of Using Gamification on High School Students English Vocabulary Acquisition

This proves that learning a foreign language is a significant and challenging aspect of the student’s foreign language life because of limited language contact and the chance to practice the new language. Vocabulary is the first step that one must learn to communicate with others. Thus vocabulary is significant and fundamental for a person learning a new language (Alghamdi & Ahmed, 2018). Therefore, to increase the vocabulary for a student, the teacher must have a strategy to make students have the motivation of learning and create fun in learning so that the lesson becomes lively and avoid wearying

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Muslim Women Representation in Religious Leadership: Spirituality of Muslim Women Introduction

This paper will address the portrayal of Muslim women in terms of church leadership and look at the spirit of their participation. However, before proceeding, there is a need for a brief introduction concerning how women were perceived in Islam and the changes that have taken place historically. This paper seeks to analyze Muslim women’s involvement in religious leadership and their spiritual empowerment in such capacities.

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Critical Analysis of CIT Group Accounting Information System

The purpose of this paper is to assess the current accounting and information technology issues that the CIT Group Company is experiencing and to build an innovative solution for the off-lease transaction process. The report will concentrate on the customary transaction cycle operations, such as handling orders, financing approval, shipping, payment, and revenue collection, as well as actions related to sales, marketing, and accounting

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The cost implications of using one method over another

The cost of a particular method may vary depending on the product in question. Customized orders entail higher expenses in raw materials, workforce, and indirect costs than those produced in large quantities. The group’s manufacturing practices can impact expenses, adding complexity to the situation. Employing a more streamlined production methodology can result in cost savings for a collective.

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Recommendations of the Brydon Report for 2019 to Deal with This Gap

Recommendations of the Brydon Report for 2019 to Deal with This Gap

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Audit Expectations Gap in the UK and Globally

The difference between the public’s expectations of auditors and their real duties and skills is known as the audit expectations gap, and it exists both in the UK and internationally (Deumes and Carchon 2019; Free and Verona 2018). Several things cause this gap, and different jurisdictions may experience it differently. The audit expectations gap has drawn attention and discussion in the UK (Humphrey and Owen 2018). One reason contributing to this gap is the misconception that auditors are tasked with finding all fraud or mistakes in financial statements (Deumes and Carchon 2019).

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Applicability of Managerial Accounting Concepts in the Healthcare Sector


The global economy relies on healthcare, which includes medical treatment, preventive care, medications, and health technologies. Beyond hospitals and clinics, pharmaceutical companies, insurance, and regulatory organizations make the healthcare business dynamic and complex, requiring careful financial management and strategic decision-making. The industry is vital in promoting social well-being, economic progress, and innovation in modern business (ScienceDirect, 2017). Healthcare firms must, therefore, manage finances well to provide quality care, encourage innovation, and navigate a continually changing industry through financial sustainability and resource allocation.

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Applicability of Managerial Accounting Concepts in the Healthcare Sector


The global economy relies on healthcare, which includes medical treatment, preventive care, medications, and health technologies. Beyond hospitals and clinics, pharmaceutical companies, insurance, and regulatory organizations make the healthcare business dynamic and complex, requiring careful financial management and strategic decision-making. The industry is vital in promoting social well-being, economic progress, and innovation in modern business (ScienceDirect, 2017). Healthcare firms must, therefore, manage finances well to provide quality care, encourage innovation, and navigate a continually changing industry through financial sustainability and resource allocation.

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Applicability of Managerial Accounting Concepts in the Healthcare Sector


The global economy relies on healthcare, which includes medical treatment, preventive care, medications, and health technologies. Beyond hospitals and clinics, pharmaceutical companies, insurance, and regulatory organizations make the healthcare business dynamic and complex, requiring careful financial management and strategic decision-making. The industry is vital in promoting social well-being, economic progress, and innovation in modern business (ScienceDirect, 2017). Healthcare firms must, therefore, manage finances well to provide quality care, encourage innovation, and navigate a continually changing industry through financial sustainability and resource allocation.

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The Impact of Management Accounting Practices: Comparative Analysis Study Between Jordan and Romania

The pressures of globalization, technology advancements, and business volumes continue to affect the frameworks applicable to decision-making in business. The Alhato (2023) paper offers a focused analysis of management accounting research and demonstrates managerial accounting usage in Middle Eastern nations. As shared by Alhato (2023), the currently available research focuses on various aspects, such as how businesses react to change management and the selection of substitute management methods, tools, and systems.

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Common Implications Experienced by Auditors in the Implementation of SAS No. 145

Entity complexity: Understanding and analyzing risks can be difficult when auditing complex businesses with intricate operations, several business lines, or global activities (AICPA, 2023). Auditors must use robust audit procedures, engage subject matter specialists as needed, and allocate adequate resources to address these challenges successfully.

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